Then in your case you should use set table aside Hold'Em Manager 2 FAQs - Poker Software :: Table Control - Cycling / Table Aside (TN2)
Then in your case you should use set table aside Hold'Em Manager 2 FAQs - Poker Software :: Table Control - Cycling / Table Aside (TN2)
Thank you.
your welcome, Have a nice day and best of luck at the tables.
Hi. With new party update ninja doesn't work there. Plus if you make pop up table on action on party, ninja is not working on stars.
How to fix second problem(with pop up function working) and are you going to make update for party?
We released an update for party here - http://www.holdemmanager.com/Downloa...date2.6.66.msi
Secondly are you using a layout in TN2, you have to use Popup table in TN2 for both sites if you are using a layout in TN2 you cannot use this feature for one site and not the other.
It works, thanks.
Thank you for letting us know the issue is resolved, If you need assistance with anything else please let us know.
Have a nice day and best of luck at the tables.
Hi. Was not playing this month and found today that betting isn't working(preflop and postflop betsizing is always standard 1bb). Ninja is updated. How to fix that? Thank you.
Found the reason but can't delete my post