stat driven barchart seperator instead of comma
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default stat driven barchart seperator instead of comma

    I'd like the option to use a vertical bar as a stat seperator, and have the bar appear as a different height based on an underlying stat. The comma is just wasted real estate, why not use a separator also displays useful info?

    Also, today we have the ability to color code stats. It is only used for emphasis, and cant provide any additional info. why not have the option to color code based on a second stat.

    Theres a ton of possibilities. Each stat can now contain information from 4 stats:

    - 1 stat repped by standard numerical display
    - 1 stat repped by its color code
    - 1 stat repped by the bar following a number
    - 1 stat repped by the color of the bar.

    So as an example if I choose to have cbet stats each street on my hud, I could color code to give an idea how much they fold to a raise. Further, I could use the bar to see if they skip c bet and call, and the color of the bar to see if they skip cbet and check raise.

  2. #2
    You're out! udbrky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    We have a graphs HUD. If we implemented this, the HUD would be huge.

    You can color code stats based on ranges.

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