NL6max Layout: Optimization
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  1. #1
    Senior Member Al1's Avatar
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    Default NL6max Layout: Optimization


    First, I have the 1.06.04 rc3 version of HM.

    Here is a HUD with what I think is useful, that's just my personal configuration.
    The logic of this HUD is the following:

    Very important stats are in BIG on the first line. The more important one (VPIP) is bigger and bold, that's the only stat which has 3 differents brights colors (red = less than 25%, yellow = 25-35%, green = 35%+). Other stats have only two colors and are more discreets to not influence with the visibility of VPIP. This way, you can see in a glance if the table is populated with fishs => lot of GREEN VPIP (I like to have 2 or more green vpip on my table).
    When a stat is in grey, the stat is generally "normal", when it switchs to blue there is potentially a leak you can exploit (for example steal switch to blue when the guy steals "not enough" or "too much"); of course you have to compare stats between them to be confident you have found a leak (ex: even if vpip = 20%, it's probably not a good player if the PFR = 6%)

    For steals, 3bets and cbets, it's grouped in couple with this logic:

    3bet: "3bet" and "fold to 3bet"
    cbet: "cbet" and "fold to cbet"
    steal: "steal" and "fold BB to steal"

    That's easy to remember.

    A little white prefix abbreviation helps you to remember where the stats are. DON'T FORGET TO CHECK THE BOX "Show Abbreviations" for the "nlsixmax" (this configuration).

    I have currently removed Cbet turn and Fold to Cbet turn on my layout, those stats need a lot of data to converge and if I need a look, I just use the popup for that. The file linked to you is like this picture (with turn stats). But if you want, I can upload my current layout too EDIT: now avaible too, see below.

    Here is the ranges I use for small stakes (putted in same order than the HUD!), and don't forget that some of those stats require a somewhat big sample to converge correctly.
    Ranges for certain stats (cbet turn, fold to cbet turn, limp-call) don't have range configured, because I don't have enough experience with those stats to be accurate. Feel free to edit.

    Popups are a little bit personnalized to display more stuffs here and here.

    One stat is not correct in the "Post flop" popup, I have put "Fold to cbet turn" instead of "Fold to cbet flop in 3bet pots", just correct it.

    November 23 2008 (nlsixmaxlight):
    I add a new layout, it's exactly the same as the "nlsixmax" but TurnCbet and FoldtoTurnCbet are removed. It's called "nlsixmaxlight"


    January 9 2009 (nlsixmax9jan):
    I have updated my layout, I have also added a new popup which can be useful. This popup is arranged like the HUD with some additions (like donks, turn cbets and check-raise), this way, you can fastly see what is your sample for a stat!
    One stat was not correct in the PersoCBet popup, I had put "Fold to cbet turn" instead of "Fold to cbet flop in 3bet pots", it's corrected in the "nlsixmax9jan", but check it to be sure, I don't know if it's corrected when you upgrade.


    The new popup:

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Al1; 01-08-2009 at 09:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    This is great... I'm assuming the files are coming so we can use this without doing it ourselves?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Al1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by craiggerz View Post
    This is great... I'm assuming the files are coming so we can use this without doing it ourselves?
    Of course, I will post the file in something like 4 minutes

  4. #4
    Senior Member Al1's Avatar
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    Ok, done.

    The file is on the bottom of the first post

    Tell me if all is ok.
    Last edited by Al1; 11-14-2008 at 10:58 AM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Al1's Avatar
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    It seems that when you import this file, the popup for VPIP is not associated. Just do it yourself by selecting the PersoPreflop popup for the VPIP stat!

    By the way, please give me some feedback to know if all is ok.
    Last edited by Al1; 11-14-2008 at 04:25 PM.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    I feel like a complete dork....but where in the software is the import menu for the hud stats?

  7. #7
    Senior Member Al1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by craigsmagic View Post
    I feel like a complete dork....but where in the software is the import menu for the hud stats?
    Update your HM if it's not the case:

    Then "HUD Options => Player Prefs" and here there is 2 buttons to export or import HUDs.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Stupid question, how do i get the letters on the interface like you have thx, i only have the numbes seperated by a /

  9. #9
    Senior Member Al1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by enotwo View Post
    Stupid question, how do i get the letters on the interface like you have thx, i only have the numbes seperated by a /
    Easy, just activate "Abbreviations".

    Please, a feedback!

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    I like the simplistic approach of the color shading
    (definately meant this as a positive, I have tried to use different brightnesses of greens/blue and your color scheme proved to me even more, that "more" color doesnt mean better)

    The Limp call stat.....I would definately color code more....more to identify the type of limpy fish.

    One thing that you need to add Check Raise stats....I dont use them enough that I put them in the stats on the table....but they definately need to be in one of the pop-ups....Not giving a habitual CRer more chances to blow you off a hand you're better served checking behind will adds some BB to your winrate.

    Regarding the stats you have in your HUD on the table....
    The cold call stat.....I keep puting it on my hud, then taking it off....and then putting it back on.....
    I just either forget to look at it, or I dont find situations to reference that benefit.....Its probably just me not using it incorrectly....
    The questions I have is.....What situations are you referencing it, that make you want it visible? What other stats do you reference to help with given situations? and what are those situations?

    The other stats that I might suggest adding to the pop-ups
    Is Donk-bet....the way people react to DBs can be the opposite of the way they react to others (similar to blind battles and how people react differently)

    I like having more than the simple donkbet stat in the popup (I like the raises and such included)......Its nice to have how an opponent reacts to a DB or reacts when you respond to their DB. (Donkbets tend to polarize how someone feels and reacts to them and its one of the few stats where a player will react differently than other stats indicate)
    The set of squeeze be honest....I just started referencing them, because I've seen ALOT of successful players have it on their hud.....
    I'd actually like someone to tell me how to you use it more I seem to spew chips around because of it.

    Overall, I like the organization of the pop-ups....I might go a step farther and trim a couple pop-ups down....and or...categorize them a bit more specifically...(what I mean is...making the pop-up tailored for each stat.)

    Instead of the default preflop pop-up on the 3Bet....I would like it to be a "trimmed down" pop-up......less is more.....the limp/ open....etc be removed....since when you are gonna reference the 3-Bet pop-up....its would be for things that have progressed in the hand.
    Tailor the pop up with info in mind of thinking "I am thinking about 3-bet or does he react to those....give me info".....or......"He has 3Bet, what info do I want to know now"

    The one thing I have found out about myself is, the more "to the point" I present the numbers to myself...the more I will use them (example: when I look at a pop up and it has a massive amount of info, sorting to the 20% that I am really looking can be time might only be an extra 2 seconds....but its 2 seconds I could be processing the info and making the best decision....If I cant find the specific info fast....I generally wont make the attempt)

    Overall....I like it....I did personal modification of the panels (personally, when I have 2-3 lines of stats that are 4-5 stats wide...I have a habit of not utilizing some of the stats that are in the middle...the stats on the outer edge will catch my attention when I glance.
    So what I do is have the main block
    (VPIP PFR ST FBB) I always like having FBB on the edge, so I can glance quick and decide if a steal with any2 will be appropriate.
    I also like having the Steal next to the PFR.....that way everytime I look at them.....I get the idea if the person is "playing their cards" more than position, person, etc......

    I like to use 2 panels of stats
    One Panel that has 2 columns....
    Each column is either what I consider "actions of agression" or "actions that are passive" (bet/raise or fold/call)

    I also like to go from top to bottom if possible with Pre/flp/trn/rvr,

    3Bet Fld3Bet
    4Bet Fld4Bet
    Cbet FldCbet
    TCbet FldTCbet

    I found that by doing this....with the color coding you can make "1st impression" more accurate...and you can make quick broad generalization that are close to being accurate.

    (the common stats like VPIP, PFR, ST, Hands, W$sd WTSD etc etc I like to have in the main block/Blob organized and easy to remember by size of text and color)

    (My "column stack" is actually 5-6 high and I generally make an "L" with the main stat block or something close to it)

    I have found that if I dont use the "Blob" arrangement, I actually will use the info more, and in a manner that is effecient. (Blob = Brick of stats....3X4 4X5 2X6...where making a mistake is a bit more common in glancing at a stat)
    It takes a while to get use to..(originally I like the concept of the organization by doing it this way and grouping the stats to be identified easier....If you stick with it and dont give into "I'll never get use to it, I like lines of stats" actually speeds up things, and I have found I can handle more tables because of it

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