First, I have the 1.06.04 rc3 version of HM.
Here is a HUD with what I think is useful, that's just my personal configuration.
The logic of this HUD is the following:
Very important stats are in BIG on the first line. The more important one (VPIP) is bigger and bold, that's the only stat which has 3 differents brights colors (red = less than 25%, yellow = 25-35%, green = 35%+). Other stats have only two colors and are more discreets to not influence with the visibility of VPIP. This way, you can see in a glance if the table is populated with fishs => lot of GREEN VPIP (I like to have 2 or more green vpip on my table).
When a stat is in grey, the stat is generally "normal", when it switchs to blue there is potentially a leak you can exploit (for example steal switch to blue when the guy steals "not enough" or "too much"); of course you have to compare stats between them to be confident you have found a leak (ex: even if vpip = 20%, it's probably not a good player if the PFR = 6%)
For steals, 3bets and cbets, it's grouped in couple with this logic:
3bet: "3bet" and "fold to 3bet"
cbet: "cbet" and "fold to cbet"
steal: "steal" and "fold BB to steal"
That's easy to remember.
A little white prefix abbreviation helps you to remember where the stats are. DON'T FORGET TO CHECK THE BOX "Show Abbreviations" for the "nlsixmax" (this configuration).
I have currently removed Cbet turn and Fold to Cbet turn on my layout, those stats need a lot of data to converge and if I need a look, I just use the popup for that. The file linked to you is like this picture (with turn stats). But if you want, I can upload my current layout too EDIT: now avaible too, see below.
Here is the ranges I use for small stakes (putted in same order than the HUD!), and don't forget that some of those stats require a somewhat big sample to converge correctly.
Ranges for certain stats (cbet turn, fold to cbet turn, limp-call) don't have range configured, because I don't have enough experience with those stats to be accurate. Feel free to edit.
Popups are a little bit personnalized to display more stuffs here and here.
One stat is not correct in the "Post flop" popup, I have put "Fold to cbet turn" instead of "Fold to cbet flop in 3bet pots", just correct it.
November 23 2008 (nlsixmaxlight):
I add a new layout, it's exactly the same as the "nlsixmax" but TurnCbet and FoldtoTurnCbet are removed. It's called "nlsixmaxlight"
January 9 2009 (nlsixmax9jan):
I have updated my layout, I have also added a new popup which can be useful. This popup is arranged like the HUD with some additions (like donks, turn cbets and check-raise), this way, you can fastly see what is your sample for a stat!
One stat was not correct in the PersoCBet popup, I had put "Fold to cbet turn" instead of "Fold to cbet flop in 3bet pots", it's corrected in the "nlsixmax9jan", but check it to be sure, I don't know if it's corrected when you upgrade.
The new popup: