Popup table whenever user action is required.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Popup table whenever user action is required.

    I do not want to deactivate that function, can You please stop TN forcing people to do that?

  2. #2
    Holdem Manager Support Sarek's Avatar
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    If you want to get TN2 work correct, you should disable this feature in poker client.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Sarek View Post
    If you want to get TN2 work correct, you should disable this feature in poker client.
    Yeh you can also say to have TN working correctly, cut your leg and throw it away.
    The point is, I do not want to deactivate it because I need that function.

  4. #4
    Holdem Manager Support Sarek's Avatar
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    Ok, as you wish
    1. in Setup tab, uncheck "Automatically uncheck 'Popup table whenever action is required'
    2. In Hotkeys / Table Control , uncheck "Popup table ..."
    3. In your poker client, check that feature

    As result, please be aware that if you use several poker clients, tables might steal focus of your active table

    And: just curiosity: for what do you want this?

  5. #5
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    Apr 2010


    I need it because I need the table where action is required in foreground obviously.
    I know that TN does that, but I have to say, the pokerstars software does that better.
    Not because I hate TN2 (which I really do), but because I tried that and it did not work properly, sometimes tables that I minimized remained minimized although action was requierd there.
    Also it does not feel right when ninja does it, let me try to explain, what I mean is, it feels stuttering when ninja does that, it does not work smooth, at least on my laptop. So that is an issue for me. TN1 by the way does not require that switched off and also works perfect. So that is an annoyance.

    Edit: maybe it stutters because I set up 40 slots stacked? (I play 2 stacks each 20 tables on the left and the right of my screen). I can setup that in pokerstars directly and disable the slots?
    Last edited by JTM; 06-12-2013 at 03:22 PM.

  6. #6
    Holdem Manager Support Sarek's Avatar
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    Hi JTM,

    1. Yes, that makes sense. Please follow the steps we've shown above, and you should be fine.
    2. We're sorry that you don't like TN2's mechanism - please note that we're constanly working on improving it. With that in mind, we cannot know when there's action on a table that is minimized (because we cannot "see" if there are buttons on the table) - we need to show a warning about this, already created a ticket HM-7048 and the developer is aware of it.
    If you want to be notified when it is fixed please send an email to hm2support@holdemmanager.com and include "Notify Me When XXXX Is Resolved" in the subject line and body of the email.
    3. Side-note: TN1 does not need the Popup in PS to be switched off, because TN1 does not need to compute when a table needs action (PS already does that instead).
    4. About the stuttering - yes, that could be a problem - are you using a custom layout with 40 slots of which there are two pairs of 20 overlapping slots? Either way, we'd appreciate if you could send us the logs so that we can look into the problem. Thanks!

  7. #7
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Sarek View Post
    2. We're sorry that you don't like TN2's mechanism - please note that we're constanly working on improving it. With that in mind, we cannot know when there's action on a table that is minimized (because we cannot "see" if there are buttons on the table) - we need to show a warning about this, already created a ticket HM-7048 and the developer is aware of it.

    That is an explanation. With only 2 stacks, each 20 tables, I often minimze tables where I just folded my hand to get a table to the top where I am e.g. pre all in to see what happens. Pokerstars makes no issue of that and just always puts the table back to top that requires action, so that works fine. I also cannot see which table is minimized because I have 40 icons on the task bar and they are all the same, so maximizing automatically is crucial.

    4. About the stuttering - yes, that could be a problem - are you using a custom layout with 40 slots of which there are two pairs of 20 overlapping slots? Either way, we'd appreciate if you could send us the logs so that we can look into the problem. Thanks!
    Yes, that is my setup.

  8. #8
    Holdem Manager Support Sarek's Avatar
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    1. Suggestion - you can use STA hotkeys (Set Table Aside) so that you can monitor an important hand that you're interested in (hitting the hotkey again will put the table back to stack)
    2. Yes, you're right that it's almost impossible to see which window is minimized - we will think of a solution to handle this.
    3. Please let us know if using PS's "popup table when action" works as you'd expect, together with TN2's Custom Layout

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