I have a simple question but I'm not sure I'll be able to explain it cleary since english isn't my native langage... Anyway here's my try :
Are the odds of running below ev the same as the odds of running above ev ?
In poker forums there are a ton of players posting to complain about running below ev. Usually those graph are in the range of 30 to 60 buyins below ev (I don't spend my life searching for those graph so not really sure about those numbers). So if my question wasn't clear here is the second try : is it possible to run 30 to 60 buyins above ev ?
It is easily understandable that nobody wants to show such a graph because of ego. It would be like saying : "hey guys look at me I suck at poker but still make money because of my luck". But does those graph exist ? I mean do they exist in the same proportion as graph below ev ?