Some bugs or missing tabs in TN2,...
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Some bugs or missing tabs in TN2,...

    Hey i am testing the trial of TN2, and found some things not anymore which i really need for the way i play ATM.

    Cycle to first in line is gone, its now cycle amongst active tables,.. but since i stack comby set table aside tile,.. this is not a working option for me. it never gets the active table under my stack when i click this one.

    Secondly, i tried ninja tiled,.. made sure all setting are correct, but when the table gets active it stays in the stack,... even after entering the hand??? Spo that future is not working with mine TN2? Any idee how to fix?

  2. #2
    HM Support sideshow's Avatar
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    Do you mean when you have tables stacked the active table is not coming to the front? If so have you ticked Table in foreground or table under the mouse option?

    I am unable to reproduce the Table Ninja tile issue can you please make sure you have Aero windows theme on and Turn off UAC.

    Also we have released a version yesterday with some fixes can you please make sure you have this update to check for the latest update go to the updates tab > check for updates. Then if this did not resolve it continue with sending us the log files as suggested below.

    Go to the settings tab in TN2 > click on send logs to Table Ninja

    Once you do this it will create a zipped file with all the settings/logs, Please note the location the files are being saved to.

    Once you do this attach the zipped file to an email and send it to us so we can review it for any errors.



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  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sideshow View Post

    Do you mean when you have tables stacked the active table is not coming to the front? If so have you ticked Table in foreground or table under the mouse option?

    I am unable to reproduce the Table Ninja tile issue can you please make sure you have Aero windows theme on and Turn off UAC.

    Also we have released a version yesterday with some fixes can you please make sure you have this update to check for the latest update go to the updates tab > check for updates. Then if this did not resolve it continue with sending us the log files as suggested below.

    Go to the settings tab in TN2 > click on send logs to Table Ninja

    Once you do this it will create a zipped file with all the settings/logs, Please note the location the files are being saved to.

    Once you do this attach the zipped file to an email and send it to us so we can review it for any errors.


    I tried all,.. same result, or that when am in a hand the table only moves 2 cm over my stack as well,... so positioning is not right.

    Also my biggest issue is probebly that cycle to firts in line is gone,... my setup atm which i love is stack , and move tables out with the set table aside hot keys, so i cannot cycle to first in line anymore with TN2, please add that future like in TN1 please. As its a priority for me.

    All setting are correct like uac, areo etc

    Oh and yeah i have table in foreground ticked like before with tn1

  4. #4
    Holdem Manager Support Sarek's Avatar
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    This need claryfying:
    When you use Ninja Tile, table moves to "Tile" spot NOT when it becames active, but AFTER you make a move on that table which left you in play. Ex: Check, Bet, call, etc. After such action done TN moves that table aside - so you can control what is going on there. When you later fold there - table returns to the "main" stack.
    But: all these play moves should be done by hotkeys, NOT with mouse click on poker client buttons.

    For Cycle to First in line - I have written request ticket HM-6912
    I have added your email address to the ticket so we can notify you once we have fixed it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarek View Post
    This need claryfying:
    When you use Ninja Tile, table moves to "Tile" spot NOT when it becames active, but AFTER you make a move on that table which left you in play. Ex: Check, Bet, call, etc. After such action done TN moves that table aside - so you can control what is going on there. When you later fold there - table returns to the "main" stack.
    But: all these play moves should be done by hotkeys, NOT with mouse click on poker client buttons.

    For Cycle to First in line - I have written request ticket HM-6912
    I have added your email address to the ticket so we can notify you once we have fixed it.
    Tx for adding cycle to first in line,...

    As soon as the set table aside 'save' key is added ill buy the product. As i need to keep using TN1 if this is not fixed as of the way i play my setup


  6. #6
    Holdem Manager Support Sarek's Avatar
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    As I told in another thread, ticket for this "saving" issue was created and sent to developer.

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