I look to find the stats fold to cbet 3 bet pot ip and fold to cbet 3 bet pot oop..when we look under "vs continuation bet" there's only total fold to cbet 3 bet pot... First I think that I can find this stat when I look under the "flop" stat..here there's flop fold ip 3bet pot and fold oop 3b pot...but then I think..in this filter (flop), the stat includes the times villan faced donk bet in 3bet pot and he folds (so yes, he will fold fold flop in 3 bet pot ip, but not to continuation bet) and the time he's agressor preflop and OOP C/F (skip cbet and fold vs bet)..I'm right? so, were I can find the stat fold to cbet ip/oop in 3 b pot?
ty in advance