HM2 Note taking window problem with dual monitor
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Question HM2 Note taking window problem with dual monitor


    While using 2 monitors if I click on the note icon to take a note and drag it over to my other monitor to take a note everything is fine, but when I disconnect the other monitor and then click on the note icon the window opens up off screen on the none existent other monitor. Is it possible for it to check for this as I run on a laptop sometimes with dual monitor and sometimes with just the laptop screen.


  2. #2
    HM Support Patvs's Avatar
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    Feb 2009
    Amsterdam, the Netherlands


    No, the placement of the HUD panels, and where the notes open, all those positions are stored in the prefs.xml file in the
    C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\HoldemManager\ Config folder

    HoldemManager won't re-check for whether you have one or two monitors, when you change monitor settings.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Patvs View Post
    No, the placement of the HUD panels, and where the notes open, all those positions are stored in the prefs.xml file in the
    C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\HoldemManager\ Config folder

    HoldemManager won't re-check for whether you have one or two monitors, when you change monitor settings.
    How can I get the note window to appear on my laptop monitor when I have no external monitor connected?

    It is opening off screen with no part visible to drag it back????? if I connect the ext monitor it will open up on this and I then have to drag it back onto my laptop monitor, only then can I disconnect the ext monitor and the next time I open a note it will appear where the last window was.

    It is a bit of a pain if I am out and have no ext monitor to connect, I cannot take any notes.

    There must be a solution for this?


  4. #4
    Former HM Support DogNamedBluff's Avatar
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    You can reset the HUD prefs file to set it back to the original settings. Please export your custom HUD's in HUD Options.

    See this screenshot for exporting HUD's:

    Then delete the prefs.xml and prefs.bak file in the config folder in
    7: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\HoldemManager\
    Showing hidden files and sytem files and folders: How to show hidden files in Windows 7
    XP: C:\Documents and Settings\User_name\Application Data\HoldemManager
    Showing hidden files and sytem files and folders: Microsoft Corporation

    See this screenshot for location in win 7 for the prefs files:

    Import your custom HUD's again.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    I don't wanna reset the hud prefs file everytime, I just want the window to open on my screen, instead of opening in the last opened position (ie other monitor when it was attached).

    for example:

    laptop screen with ext monitor while I am at home, tables on laptop screen, hm2 on ext monitor I go to take a note and drag the note window from my laptop monitor out of the way of my tables onto the ext monitor to take the note. No problems so far .....

    I shutdown and go out with laptop.

    Start laptop and fire hm2 up and poker site and start playing only on laptop screen (NO ext monitor) I click to take a note and the window opens up in the last opened position which would have been dragged to ext monitor which is now not connected, so I see NO note window and have no way other than reseting the hud prefs everytime to get the window to show on laptop monitor.

    I go back home connect the ext monitor and things r fine again.

    So unless I drag the window back onto laptop screen before I only want to use the laptop screen there is NO way to take a note.

    Does this make more sense.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Cheers dude thats all I wanted.

    Life saver

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Aviat0r71 View Post
    Cheers dude thats all I wanted.

    Life saver
    hello! and how to save a new position for the notes window? for me, it remembers the disposition on the external monitor and once I disconnect it, in unreachable. I cant set a new position for that window, it consantly reopens on the same place of exernal monitor

  9. #9
    HM Support Patvs's Avatar
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    Amsterdam, the Netherlands


    hud settings--> hud designer--> reset--> reset the positions.
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