license problem
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Thread: license problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default license problem

    After working fine for many weeks, I can no longer get leak buster to start. I'm not aware of anything that changed on my system to cause this. When I try to start it, it tries to validate the license, but fails and I get the blue "buy now, register, try" screen. When I click "cancel" there I get a pop up that says "we've noticed that you are having trouble registering would you like to run the troubleshooter?" Clicking yes quits HM and gives me the blue "buy now, register, try" screen again. I haven't tried entering my serial number again, because I'm not sure what it is. I can't find the email from when I first registered. Please help.

  2. #2
    Moderator Leak Buster Support's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    You likely went from an old version awhile ago to a newer one that never hasn't connected to the server in awhile. Just e-mail support ( and include what your likely registered e-mail address would be, and they can look it up and send it out to you. If you still have any issues, just let me know and we'll get you back up and running.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I have problem with leak buster license too.
    I have HM NL and Omaha professional version.
    I also buy Leak buster no limit and everything was OK.

    This summer I bought Leak buster Limit Holdem , You sent me a registration code etc. everything was working OK.

    Today I decided to come back to NL . and when I click on the no limit leak buster there is a statement that I have to validate my license ( when I bought NL leak buster I was registered my licence code) .

    I tried to register licence code but i have a communicate that " No more activation allowed You must conact customer service ...."

    But I don't understand , I had a registered leak buster no limit and not unregister I have the same computer etc. ( limit leak buster work OK and is registered)

  4. #4
    Moderator Leak Buster Support's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    If you added limit later, it was probably with an older version of no-limit license. So you either need to have the NL license cleared and reset, or you may need a new one. I don't know for sure without more information. If you send a message to: they can guide you through what you'll need to do to get it straightened out properly.

    Include your HM and LB version numbers so they can figure it out quicker for you.

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