looking for a stat in the hud which tells me how often villan is folding to probe bet on the river
i.e. villan cbet flop, checkback turn, n get lead into on the river
looking for a stat in the hud which tells me how often villan is folding to probe bet on the river
i.e. villan cbet flop, checkback turn, n get lead into on the river
This stat is currently not available in the default stats. This is a feature which is on the list to address though. While I do not have a specific date for when this feature might be added, we are putting out updates regularly.
The assigned internal ticket # on this issue is HM-5110. I have added your email address to the ticket. You will be notified when there is a resolution.
This can be added to the HUD via notecaddy though. Please see the notecaddy forum for more information and any questions you may have about NoteCaddy. http://forums.holdemmanager.com/notecaddy/
I mean you can create a custom definition or badge that will show how often a player performs the action. Please see this thread for getting started with notecaddy - http://forums.holdemmanager.com/note...ead-first.html
Can you please also let me know via email when the item is addressed? Thanks.
I have added your email to HM-5110 ticket
when fixed - you will be informed