Hem 1 not working after 888 latest update - Page 7
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  1. #61
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2012


    2) SNG & Tournaments are not working, the hands are importing in holdem manager and can been seen in "tourney" "results" "data view" However the HUD does not load. If i click table finder and drag the icon on the table it finds the table and the HUD will appear, but the HUD does not update after each hand and clicking on the hud will not show additional info. The only way to get the HUD to refresh is to drag the table finder twice onto the table.

    is there any solution to this already?

  2. #62
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    HM Support


    We stopped selling HM1 licenses when HM2 was released in November of 2011. We stopped updating for critical bugs and providing support for HM1 at the end of April 2014 - http://faq.holdemmanager.com/questio...mmon+Questions

    Please update to the latest/final version - http://www.holdemmanager.com/Downloa...se_1.14.02.exe

    Make sure the poker client and hand histories are both in English. If it is not, you need to change it in the Lobby Options or reinstall the software and choose English.

    Try using the table finder

    http://faq.holdemmanager.com/questio...r+to+Show+HUD+ - Configuring Table Finder to Show HUD

    If you continue to have problems there is nothing else we can do since we no longer support this software so you should consider trying HM2. If you have not tried it recently you should be able to install the latest update and activate a new 30 day trial. If you have any problems with the trial let us know and we can extend the trial for you manually.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by midein View Post
    2) SNG & Tournaments are not working, the hands are importing in holdem manager and can been seen in "tourney" "results" "data view" However the HUD does not load. If i click table finder and drag the icon on the table it finds the table and the HUD will appear, but the HUD does not update after each hand and clicking on the hud will not show additional info. The only way to get the HUD to refresh is to drag the table finder twice onto the table.

    is there any solution to this already?
    My work around, is to do a toggle test , then the hud will work after (however it does not update)

  4. #64
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2012


    I own HM2 and PT4 but for me HM1 is still by far the best Poker Tracking Software, because HM2 is way more laggy (popups, hand history viewer on table) and has some random freezes that are very annoying during a multi table session. I am waiting for years for a decent bug fix for HM2. So i went back to HM1 and found out that it still works fine on most sites that i play.
    But on 888 i have the problem too that the HUD doesnt update in MTTs.

  5. #65
    You're out! udbrky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    888 has made a lot of changes since we stopped supporting HM1. Please email us with a log file if you continue to have trouble with HM2.

    If you continue to have problems, please reproduce the problem and zip/attach your HM2Logs folder with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing - http://hm2faq.holdemmanager.com/ques...ger+Support%3F

    Please send a link to this thread to support@holdemmanager.com

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