"Cancel"-Buttons !!!
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default "Cancel"-Buttons !!!

    Hey guys,

    I already wrote this like a few weeks or months ago. Could you PLEAEEESE insert buttons to cancel some operations in HEM?

    eg In the reports or sessions tab, if you select a filter... because if you have a large db and u chose the filter "All hands" by accident it'll take very very long to do this and you can't abort it.

    right now i'm deleting my whole database because I delete the hands via "Purge Hands". Yeah I know that there is a description above and that it tells that it will delete them. But once you hit the button "Purge Hands" and you see this text later, you can't abort it. That's really crap!

    Hope you will work on this, would be really nice!

    Best regards,


  2. #2
    HM Support netsrak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Please use our suggestions area for this.

    But as this operations are done by the postgresql subsystem its not that easy.

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