How do I downgrade from 1.11.04 to 1.11.03?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default How do I downgrade from 1.11.04 to 1.11.03?

    1.11.04 is crashing on me. I downloaded the 1.11.03 update and ran it successfully, but HEM still launches as 1.11.04 every time. How do I downgrade?

  2. #2
    Senior Member _Loki_'s Avatar
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    B/ham UK


    How can you have "downloaded the 1.11.03 update and ran it successfully" if your HM still reads 1.11.04 ?

    Suggest you...

    run 1.11.03 install/upgrade patch again

    can't have too many reboots


  3. #3
    HM Support Patvs's Avatar
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    Amsterdam, the Netherlands


    delete holdemmanager.exe---> then run the 1.11.03 installer again

    Though.. how/when exactly is 1.11.04 internal crashing on you??
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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2010


    [QUOTE=Patvs;166121]delete holdemmanager.exe---> then run the 1.11.03 installer again

    Though.. how/when exactly is 1.11.04 internal crashing on you??[/QUOTE

    where is located 1.11.03 on your web...looking for download

  5. #5
    HM Support netsrak's Avatar
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    Feb 2009


    Links to older releases are in this thread:

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    For me the same problem. Not even starting the new version. One time got to a failure in connection to database, but then restarted (which solved this problem before a few times) but now it again gives the messages:
    "the following error occurred when trying to open the database: Failed to establish a connection to
    Last edited by Tooren; 08-18-2010 at 06:03 AM.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2010


    Awesome work with this version. Remove features that players are used to having. Jesus fkn christ. Well done.

  8. #8
    HM Support netsrak's Avatar
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    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Tooren View Post
    For me the same problem. Not even starting the new version. One time got to a failure in connection to database, but then restarted (which solved this problem before a few times) but now it again gives the messages:
    "the following error occurred when trying to open the database: Failed to establish a connection to
    This has nothing to do with the HM version. Seems like your postgresql service is not running.
    - please reboot your computer
    - if that doesn't help please delete the hidden file in the postgresql data folder and reboot again.
    - Check our FAQ: FAQ - Hold'em Manager Poker Tracking Software :: Can't Connect / Failed to Start PostgreSQL

    Quote Originally Posted by random99 View Post
    Awesome work with this version. Remove features that players are used to having. Jesus fkn christ. Well done.
    What do you mean?

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by netsrak View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by random99 View Post
    Awesome work with this version. Remove features that players are used to having. Jesus fkn christ. Well done.
    What do you mean?

    I used a hand history converter to convert the hands on my poker site into PokerStars format

    Then imported those into HEM

    Then I could use the HEM Table Manager to attach the stats onto an empty/blank window (one empty window for each table - I am unable to attach each stats window to a separate poker table window because all the tables on my site are shown in a single window). It is a little cluttered on my screen with say 4 extra windows (one for each table's HUD stats) plus the poker window, but at least I could use the full capability of a HUD from HEM with all the stats needed right there and a popup with all the more details i need and I was happy with that.

    Then HEM does support PKR hand histories (and is able to separate by table in the "session" tab if you group by trable) but for no reason given, the table's stats do not show up in the Table Manager. No one will answer why this is so?

    HEM can import the hands
    HEM can separate them into the different table groupings
    Why for the love of god can't it show up in the Table Manager??
    Using the third party software (along with HEM and the poker site) uses a lot of CPU and makes my computer very difficult to use.

    Anyway - I continued using the hand converter meaning the ability for HEM to import PKR hand histories has no use for me whatsoever since the only way to be able to attach the table's stats was to convert to Poker Stars format (again - why?!?).

    However - now I update to the newest version - and you have removed the ability to see the tables in Table Manager even when I am using Stars Format. Why did you remove this functionality? I can never update HEM now to any new version beyond the most recent version.

    I spend so many hours being frustrated due to not being able to work with this new version when you removed this functionality (for no logical reason) until I eventually found the old versions. Jesus.

    It's also frustrating that no one at Holdem Manager seems bother explaining:
    WHY you can't use Table Manager to attach stat windows for PKR hh's; and
    WHY you removed this functionality even for Stars format now

  10. #10
    HM Support netsrak's Avatar
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    Feb 2009


    We had a table manager bug in 1.11.04 but this is fixed in 1.11.05b1:

    The PKR Hud is a problem we are just investigating internally.

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