pokersites going down with holdem manager
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default pokersites going down with holdem manager


    I play at FTP and stars. I firstly take of my antivirus......

    then i start my holdem manager.....
    After that i start the Holdem HUD
    Then i can start my pokerlobby

    Mostly after some hands it shuts down my pokersite....(FTP and Stars)
    It's not my holdem manager that does that because that does still works after taht but it's my HUD that also shuts down ......What to do.

    I had this problem with beta 1.09.03 and with the next beta version to

    What could i do ? It's annoying sir

    Sincerely yours

  2. #2
    HM Support Patvs's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Amsterdam, the Netherlands


    Please update to the latest beta -

    Under Vista and Windows 7 make sure UAC is disabled or holdemmanager.exe, hmhud.exe, and dbcontrolpanel.exe are started as administrator. Run the windows explorer and navigate to your Holdemmanager installation directory. Right click the dbcontrolpanel.exe, holdemmanager.exe, and the hmhud.exe executable and select "Run as admin" from the popup menu.

    Add exceptions to the windows firewall, even if it is off. If you have a 3rd party firewall, do the equivalent or uninstall it temporarily -

    Make sure you have Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (or later for w7) installed.
    Participate in the Beta release of the newest Hold'em Manager version: HM Cloud. Sign-up HERE.

    If you would like to leave some feedback to help us improve the quality of the solutions, and/or the support quality you received, - you can do this here

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Bwin problem


    for a few days I have problem with HM on Bwin. HM is importing extremey slowly and it makes Bwin client almost unplayable. I am always getting sitout because the time is up... Without HM is Bwin client fine. I had not that problem before. I have version 1.09.03.

    Thank you.

  4. #4
    HM Support Patvs's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Amsterdam, the Netherlands


    Please update to the latest beta - = 1.10 beta 4

    and do everything in the top 10 performance tips thread (see my signature)
    Participate in the Beta release of the newest Hold'em Manager version: HM Cloud. Sign-up HERE.

    If you would like to leave some feedback to help us improve the quality of the solutions, and/or the support quality you received, - you can do this here

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