Hello everyone
I am making this new threat as advices by fozzy71 http://forums.holdemmanager.com/showthread.php?t=21274
First of all HUD worked fine for me until few hours ago... Was playing on Stars about 4-5 days ago, everything was fine, then I moved to Party Poker, everything worked fine there as well, today I moved back to Stars and the HUD just stopped working (when I started the Stars it sayed that new update will be installed so that might be the problem). I did update to 1.09.1, the problem was still there, and now I am using 1.09 as advices by fozzy71 (still HUD not working).
1) What version of Holdem Manager are you using? 1.09
2) What Poker Site are you playing on and which gametype and does the problem occur on more than 1 site? PokerStars NL Cash, party poker worked fine today
2a) Have you clicked the Start Auto Import Button? yes
3) Have you the settings exactly as per the FAQ for your site? i dident change any settings since HUD was working
4) Can you see the Hand History files showing up in the correct Folder on your PC, this folder should be indentical to the path location you set in Options > Configure Auto Import Folder in HM? If so please copy and paste the location as shown in the FAQ?
Everything correct there, HM imports hands
5) Are the hands being imported into Holdem Manager? Yes!
5a) Do they import if you create a new database? Havent tryed that as am afraid i will messup everything
6) Have You Tried the Table Finder and did it work? No, the window does not popup anymore when i press 'start auto import' (when first tryed to play at stars today, the window would popup as usual however empty, after I updated the HM, the window does not popup at all)
7) If you open the HH are they written in English? yes
8) If your using Vista have you UAC disabled? I use windows 7, UAC is enabled but had 0 problems with it, as i sayed HUD was working 100% today on party poker
9) Have you attached the holdemmanager.config file? yes