Table Scanner score
Means what? in relation to what?
Table Scanner score
Means what? in relation to what?
More guides are in the pipeline, but here is the latest FAQ.
The Table Scanner Scoring is in relation to the Scanner scores that are given to the player. Typically, the higher the score, the fishier the player is. Here is a link with a more in depth explanation of how the scoring system works.
Finally it is clear to me that the tablescanner score is calculated via autorate rules. I'm definitely missing stack size here. A fish with 5 bb is not worth joining a table. I dont want to have auto rate icons, but if I disable them, I cannot color code.
Please do it as it was at HM1. Preferably via import scoring rules from HM1.
btw, I only see scores 0 and autorate is enabled
Last edited by Daniel; 02-01-2012 at 01:38 PM.
You can set scoring on your own:
This is the HM1 FAQ, but a lot of the functions are the same.
You can set the short stack settings in Settings - General.
OK, thanks, found it. Will be a lot of work to set this up.
An issue still remaining with the auto rate icons: I would like to color code some players (e.g. tighter than before). How does this work with autorate on? I'm not really interested in the autorate icons (just the scoring is important for tablescanner), but would still like to change the color
In Auto Rate in Settings, you can change the icons - there are colors only.