Consolidated NoteCaddy feature request thread - Page 35
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  1. #341
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Hi, i donīt really know when that happens but with the last update when i try to analyze a definition, the Analysis Options window is set by default to 2 players. I have to manually click in 3-6 Players for every definition, when almost all my definitions in the Preflop Game Size are set to 3+ Players.

    I would like that nc reads the game size for analyzing a definition or at least have some option in the settings to set some default game size.

    Thank you

  2. #342
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2011

    Default NoteCaddy Scatter, remove pre-flop and flop.

    Please make it possible to remove the pre-flop and flop or make transparent.
    IMHO, the most important thing in the Scatter is the turn and river. I would like to see the information faster.

    Thanks, sorry for my english.

  3. #343
    Moderator NotecaddyEdge's Avatar
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    May 2012
    Florida, USA


    Hi Jake,

    It is possible to remove the PF, F, T, or R scatter points.. you just need to click on the PF, F, T, or R at the right side of the scatter graph

  4. #344
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2013

    Default Combination ranges with general strength.

    Please make possible to combine range and general strength.

    General strength separately does not work thinly. Range - as well.
    For example 22 on desk AT95A and KK on desk QT334 - both TwoPairOneBoard.
    General strength can solve this problem, but does not solve the many other issues related to the structure of the board and a real poker game. The combination of these 2 filters would enable the NC user to make more accurate and fine adjustment.

    Please make a possibility, if a person uses both these two features simultaneously combine them. Now, the filter is only at General strength if you are using both filters.


  5. #345
    NoteCaddy sreticentv's Avatar
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    Thank you everyone for your feature requests. These will be evaluated individually for future releases
    NoteCaddy Manual | Coaching Packs | Blog
    NoteCaddy experts: a.k.aAlso, Catalyst_Kh, Derders, karstenkloss, scoobediah (NoteCaddy Edge)

  6. #346
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2012

    Default Badges in popups.

    Hello, I wonder whether there are plans, List badges in HM2 popups.
    I think it would be very interesting.

  7. #347
    NoteCaddy sreticentv's Avatar
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    No direction but to trust the final destination


    Thank you for your suggestion. It will be considered for a future release
    NoteCaddy Manual | Coaching Packs | Blog
    NoteCaddy experts: a.k.aAlso, Catalyst_Kh, Derders, karstenkloss, scoobediah (NoteCaddy Edge)

  8. #348
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by FALOs View Post
    Please make possible to combine range and general strength.

    General strength separately does not work thinly. Range - as well.
    For example 22 on desk AT95A and KK on desk QT334 - both TwoPairOneBoard.
    General strength can solve this problem, but does not solve the many other issues related to the structure of the board and a real poker game. The combination of these 2 filters would enable the NC user to make more accurate and fine adjustment.

    Please make a possibility, if a person uses both these two features simultaneously combine them. Now, the filter is only at General strength if you are using both filters.


  9. #349
    Senior Member rowhousepd's Avatar
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    Philadelphia, PA


    I know this is ancient, but I figured I'd bump this request. Any thought?

    Quote Originally Posted by rowhousepd View Post
    As someone who has a ton of Note Definitions -- many of which are in active bc they are in various stages of tweaking/editing -- I would love it if NC allowed you to see multiples columns for inactive defs the same way you can for active ones. Right now the only column that's visible (& thus sortable) the name. It would make searching through inactive defs so much easier if we could use other columns and likewise edit filters for them as well. Is this something you could implement, and is there a reason for the difference between active & inactive tabs now?

  10. #350
    NoteCaddy sreticentv's Avatar
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    No direction but to trust the final destination


    Thank you for your suggestion. It will be considered for a future release
    NoteCaddy Manual | Coaching Packs | Blog
    NoteCaddy experts: a.k.aAlso, Catalyst_Kh, Derders, karstenkloss, scoobediah (NoteCaddy Edge)

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