not working.
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default not working.

    Following the latest update of the client (either today or yesterday) HM1 stopped loading the HH.

    The ps client is correctly configured to save the HH in english in a specified directory, the directory is correctly added to HM auto import directory lists and the ps lobby is set in english.
    HM is already updated to the latest version (the window title shows 1.12.09).

    Previous time i played everything was working fine and worked fine for the previous two months, so i doubt it is a configuration problem. It must have something to do with the very recent update of ps client which happened just before HM stopped working.

    Right now HM does not see the HH files from the newly updated client, neither using the auto import feature nor by directly asking it to import the specific directory manually, where the HH files are clearly located and present.
    Obviously the HUD is not working either, since the auto import is broken and the HUD relies on it.

    Any solutions?

    (the above problem refers to 6 max cash histories, i have not verified if the same issues applies to other variants or tournaments as well, i can do a test if required)
    Last edited by Altamistral; 01-07-2012 at 08:59 PM.

  2. #2
    HM Support Patvs's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Amsterdam, the Netherlands


    Read @
    Check if after the update, PokerStars was still saving the handhistories.

    Often after a PokerStars update, it suddenly resets the settings to default--> where it doesn't save the handhistories
    And change the lobby language of the client in English.

    please update to the latest version - 1.12.09 !
    Participate in the Beta release of the newest Hold'em Manager version: HM Cloud. Sign-up HERE.

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  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    When i saw the HUD wasn't working i checked the hand histories save settings and language settings of both the lobby and the hand histories immediatly.
    I confirm the lobby is in english and that ps is saving the hand histories (in english) in that directory (the same added to the import list) because the actual txt files containing my last session are sitting there. And even if i ask to import that directory (or even the files itself) manually, he still says 0 file imported, completely ignoring those 4 txts.

    And i hate to repeat, the version is already 1.12.09.


    After a system reboot and starting a new session the problem fixed. But i still have 4 files which i cannot import in HM and i wonder why.

    Nevermind, the reboot solved it too. I guess something was wrong in the updating.
    Last edited by Altamistral; 01-07-2012 at 09:34 PM.

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