I cant see my opponents stats or mine because when I go over the stat is shows only black window
I cant see my opponents stats or mine because when I go over the stat is shows only black window
Looks like your popups are using black font on a black background. Change one or the other under HUD Options-> Popup Designer -> Shade Cell / Text Color
I'll try that but I never changed anything about colors and im just using the defaults.
Its like this with all huds but imported some of HM1 and one of them is actually working fine.
Thanks btw
Last edited by Gio; 11-16-2011 at 07:14 PM.
The defaults looked like that for me,too.
just pressed RESET on HUD Options-> Popup Designer and now all seems to be fine
yesterday I tried for once the BLACK HM2 theme and I guess there is an issue with that after I restored to default HM2 theme (settings->general)
ty again louiscyphre
Clicking reset should do it, it will restore them to the default.