Layout not being saved
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Layout not being saved

    It seems like I need to sort the position of my HUD stats out each time I play a session. I put them where I want them to be, but when I close everything down and open it back up later the HUD has reset itself to the original position. I've tried locking the layout under table preferences but that hasn't worked. How do I get the HUD to save my layout?

  2. #2
    Tech Support Manager morny's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    This is a bug, you need to update to the newest version 1.06.01 early release which can be found in the RELEASES section of the forum under the thread 1.06.00 release on page 3 or 4 i think.
    We welcome any feedback on any solutions we provide, this helps us to provide better quality solutions in the future.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by morny View Post
    This is a bug, you need to update to the newest version 1.06.01 early release which can be found in the RELEASES section of the forum under the thread 1.06.00 release on page 3 or 4 i think.
    Hello !
    I have the V 1.06.01, but has the same Problem
    I have a stat, that is not on the right place.
    If i change it, and start HM other times, it is still there where it was before.
    I am the only one ?


  4. #4
    Tech Support Manager morny's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by asox View Post
    Hello !
    I have the V 1.06.01, but has the same Problem
    I have a stat, that is not on the right place.
    If i change it, and start HM other times, it is still there where it was before.
    I am the only one ?

    Email me your prefs.xml file from C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Config folder to paul.morny at gmail dot com and a link to this thread

    What site are you playing at, when you say a stat do you mean all the panels are in the wrong place or only one of them and is it the same panel everytime?
    We welcome any feedback on any solutions we provide, this helps us to provide better quality solutions in the future.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by asox View Post
    Hello !
    I have the V 1.06.01, but has the same Problem
    I have a stat, that is not on the right place.
    If i change it, and start HM other times, it is still there where it was before.
    I am the only one ?

    same for me except that it's basically all stats that are in another place. Do I have to to do anything special for the hud layout to be saved?

    EDIT: ipoker network (CD Poker)

    This is really annoying... If the hud crashes while playing, all stats are not in the right place after the restart (obv the same if I close HEM).
    Last edited by demonseed; 07-17-2008 at 08:37 AM.

  6. #6
    Tech Support Manager morny's Avatar
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    Im playing on ipoker and i dont have this problems with the newest version although i did have it with the older version.

    Can you try going to Table Manager and clicking Save positions when you have everything in position and then restarting HM and seeing if its still moving the stats.

    One other thing to try because i noticed whoever sent me their prefs file from this thread had multiple panels seclected. Can you turn off multiple panels and see if that makes a difference aswell. Let me know how it goes.
    We welcome any feedback on any solutions we provide, this helps us to provide better quality solutions in the future.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    The save position thing seems to have worked for now ... but there are still some other issues... Here's a screenshot of my layout:

    How can I get rid of those seat 8, seat 9, seat 7 stuff (what is this)?
    Oh and I'm only observing this table btw. I also noticed when I put the panels at the right place on one table then the panels are also on the same place on another table. However, the players are mixed up. For example the player that should be in seat 1 (stats from the hud) are showing up in player 3's seat. I don't know if this also happens when I play. Will test it tonight though.

  8. #8
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    Did another test. After I put the stats to the right players on an observed table I closed HUD and opened two new tables (while mining).

    The stats then show up in the wrong places for the tables. The layout is the same but the stats for player in seat 1 show up in seat 3. stats for 2 in seat 4 and so on. If I change this to the "right" seats the same thing happens for other tables.

    Like I said I have not tested this while playing, just while mining and observing.

  9. #9
    Tech Support Manager morny's Avatar
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    Seats 8,9,10 only appear for a few seconds and disappear again. Let us know what happens when you try it while playing. Thanks
    We welcome any feedback on any solutions we provide, this helps us to provide better quality solutions in the future.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    ok first report

    I still have panels: HUD is messed up again and stats are not in the right places. However after putting them in the right places it seems to work (player stats on the other tables aren't messed up). Will try without panels later (Although I have no idea how to fit the stats then lol).

    Gonna try without panels later.

    Any ideas so far how to solve this?
    Last edited by demonseed; 07-17-2008 at 03:29 PM.

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