NC os not accessible. please upgrade your hm2 to include NC for full access. How could i do it?
NC os not accessible. please upgrade your hm2 to include NC for full access. How could i do it?
I have the old Notecaddy license.
Attach and enable your NoteCaddy license to Holdem Manager 2 (HM2)
You can generate a key which will work in HM2. Unfortunately it always says that I have an unvalid HM2 license.
whats my line?
bocki, the issue with the upgrade is known. Sorry for the inconvenience
everyone else,
-If you're an existing NoteCaddy customer you can bind your NC license to HM2 via Attach and enable your NoteCaddy license to Holdem Manager 2 (HM2)
-if you're not a NoteCaddy customer and wish to upgrade your hm2 license, go to Note Caddy Premium - Holdem to upgrade
-if you wish to use the free notecaddy notes, just enable them via the hud options "show notecaddy notes" and everything else will work automatically. This does not include access to the note definition,editor, color coding, and advanced analytics
I upgraded my HM2 license and i still cannot use NoteCaddy. Where's problem?
thank you for upgrading and I am sorry about this early issue. If possible, please submit your log file to
the log file can be found at: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\HoldemManager\ log.txt
there is something very specific in there that will tell me what happened.
Again apologies for the inconvenience
I'm not sure if sreticentv's advice helped others in the thread, but I am still unable to use Notecaddy. I bought HM2 today and went through the software and upgraded to Note Caddy Premium. The note caddy premium license is visible when I log into my account on, but I still can't use it in HM2. I am still being told I need to upgrade my HM2 license to include Notecaddy
EDIT - I have just seen your post and will also email you my log file....