thank you gareth for upgrading. However, no advice will fix this - it is being worked on. If you send your log file to, it will help it get fixed faster. Sorry for the inconvenience
thank you gareth for upgrading. However, no advice will fix this - it is being worked on. If you send your log file to, it will help it get fixed faster. Sorry for the inconvenience
Today I purchased a HM2 serial and a Note Caddy premium serial. To my suprise both serials are the same. So I contacted the NoteCaddy support directly from their hompage and I hope that I can change my Note Caddy serial there.
Is this a known issue that wrong serial numbers are sent or why are the HM2 serial and the Note Caddy serial the same?
hi pokershop,
this will be resolved ASAP. The codes are meant to be identical so you don't need to manage both. There is some issue happening with authenticating but it is a small issue (with big consequence) that will be fixed with top priority
apologies for the inconvenience
Congratulations. Your HM2 license now has NoteCaddy enabled.
But when I wanna start Notecaddy it still says I have to upgrade my HM2 license.
Also tried a couple of HM2 restarts.
we're testing a fix now for this but if you want to, you can try:
Close HM2
C:\ProgramData\XHEO INC\SharedLicenses\Holdem Manager 2.lic
Restart HM2 and enter your HM2 code again and it should ping the server correctly and update the license
that might not work but like I said we're working on a few different things and something will work
again sorry for the inconvenience
I went to Assaultware - Notecaddy and attached my NC license to my HM2 it said it should work now.
When I start HM2 NC doesnt work it say I should upgrade.
When I log into my HM account I cant see the license for NC there.
C:\ProgramData\XHEO INC\SharedLicenses\Holdem Manager 2.lic is empty for me I dont have a Holdem Manager 2.lic file
if that doesn't work you'll have to wait for the next build. I did request a release tonight but hem has thorough testing procedures so I'm not sure if it will make it today