Seems like the HUD isn't displaying correctly when I use preferred seating in the 9 and 10 handed tournaments? The HUd comes up but the stats are are hovering over the incorrect players
Seems like the HUD isn't displaying correctly when I use preferred seating in the 9 and 10 handed tournaments? The HUd comes up but the stats are are hovering over the incorrect players
I have the latest beta
Copied from my reply in the 2p2 HM thread.
Would help if you said what site you are referring to? I know u grind FTP, but thought I heard u were moving to stars as well.
The key, especially at pokerstars is to:
Set your preferred seat in stars, match it in HM, set up HUD pre-fetch. Now you should be able to observe, a 6, 9, and 10 player table and position the hud for all observed villains.
Now when you sit to play your first hand, pokerstars spins the table around to line you up w/ the preferred seat. The HUD does NOT spin around the same way, YET. Once you have played your first hand (in the Big Blind) and HM imports the hand, your own hero stats should appear. The other stats should be OK, because of your earlier setup while observing. You just have to position your hero stats, and save the positions in the table manager. The key is to not move any stats around, until you can see your own stats after having played at least one hand.
Here is a thread about setting up preferred seating on Stars. If it's a different site, or none of this helps, please start a thread on the HM forums and we will help you get it working properly and make sure you understand it fully.
Copying the pertinent post from the thread I linked, assuming this is Pokerstars you are having problems with.
I answered the post in the QQA thread already, but will re-post it here also.
These are the original FAQs regarding the issue.
You need to set your preferred sears in the pokerstars client - Options > Preferred Seat - First seat right of the chip tray is seat 1, and it goes clockwise.
Now you need to set your HEM preferred seats to match - HEM > HUD Options > Seating Preferences > Pokerstars
Also make sure you have 'pre-fetch' turned on - HEM > HUD Options > Site Options > Pokerstars > Check the 'Pre-fetch one hand' box. You may also need to manually add the Auto Import Folder, to your configuration, for: C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Importing\HEM Data. That should allow for the HUD to popup before the first hand is dealt.
-Also make sure these items are checked/unchecked accordingly:
HUD Options > Player Preferences > Make sure 'Fix my stats position' is Un-Checked
HUD Options > Table Preferences Un-Check 'Force Ontop'
-Now you should be able to start auto import, relaunch the HUD, and open a table of holdem and get the stats to pop up within 1 or 2 hands without playing. If they don't, you can manually add the prefetch folder to your Auto Import Folder Configuration > C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Importing\HEM Data. I prefer to align everything while observing, before sitting in and aligning my hero stats.
If/when you sit in and play, while adjusting the stat positions, you MUST NOT move any stat panels, until after HM has imported one hand. It's best to wait until at least your small blind hand, or once you can see your own stats have popped up. I make sure to add the 'abb. name' stat when aligning the panels.
Now you will want to Ctrl + Right-Click + Drag (holding all 3 buttons) the stat panels into their proper positions.
Table Manager > File > Save Positions
Close that table, open a new table, and see if the stat panels are fixed. If they seem to be in the correct position, try playing an orbit or two of micro-stakes to see if it works as well.
If I confused you, or you are still unable to get it aligned, please email me at and we will schedule a teamviewer session so I can show you how to do it.
God I'm sorry Fozzy I didn't see the seating preferences under HUD Options .... waste of your time. Works perfect now ty ty
No worries. It was mostly copy and paste from previous threads. Glad it is sorted.