This mightve been already covered but a quick search didnt produce anything useful and the faq is really unclear about this.
"The EV line is what you should have won, the winnings line is what you did win. If winnings > EV, you are running good."
So, winnings now is Showdown Winnings + Non-SD winnings. Obviously, the non-SD winnings cant be affected by the all-in EV. So I might win 100BB in showdown winnings, my all-IN ev would be 100BB and I could be up, say, 200BB due to non-SD winnings. Now if all I activated were Winnings + AI EV, according to this faq, I would be running 100BB "above" EV.
Now, again, what does that EV line really tell? As far as I can see, it calculates the EV when we get it in before the river, right? So its actually 100% pointless unless you add another grap called All-In winnings.