I can't find my hm1 database file
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default I can't find my hm1 database file

    This question regards hm1 and 2...

    Firstly, I can't find my hm1 data base file. Very strange. I searched my computer looking for the name i gave the db but now succes. I can only find the backup. The problem is that hm2 doesn't seem to be able to import hm1 backups. To complicate matters; i'm installing hm2 on a new computer so it can't automatically detect the old database.

    Any ideas on this?

  2. #2
    HM Support netsrak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    A database is not a file - it is a file structure in the postgresql data folder which you can't access directly or copy on a file basis.
    HM2 uses a totally different database structure. To get your HM1 database imported into HM2 you need to restore the HM1 database backup on the postgresql server where you installed HM2 and import this database into HM2 or you copy the original handhistories from the archive folder (default c:\hmarchive) to the new PC and import them into HM2 via import file/folder.

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