Hand History Replayer output not working
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Hand History Replayer output not working

    Hi, I hope you can help me. When I replay a hand and click hand history, a box comes up to the right with buttons at the top right 2+2, Txt and Rtf. When I click 2+2 or TxT then go to a site to convert the hand e.g. Online Poker Hand History Converter - Professional Poker Training Videos and Poker Coaching - LeggoPoker and paste the hand - I get an error message: 0 hands converted in 4.4346 seconds. There were 7 errors. I get a similar error message at *every* site I try. (Liquid poker pokerhand.org etc.) here is a sample of the output from the replayer in 2+2 format:

    Grabbed by Holdem Manager
    NL Holdem $0.02(BB) Replayer
    SB ($2.87)
    BB ($5.39)
    UTG ($2.07)
    UTG+1 ($0.85)
    Hero ($3.62)
    MP1 ($1.97)
    CO ($4.95)
    BTN ($0.81)

    Dealt to Hero 4:spade: 4:diamond:

    fold, fold, Hero raises to $0.08, fold, fold, fold, fold, BB calls $0.06

    FLOP ($0.17) K:spade: Q:club: Q:diamond:

    BB checks, Hero bets $0.08, BB folds

    Hero shows 4:spade: 4:diamond:

    Hero wins $0.17


    and here in txt

    Hold'em Manager Poker Software - Best Poker Tracking Software
    NL Holdem $0.02(BB) Replayer Game#66746088479

    nagart ($2.87)
    WWW33 ($5.39)
    phillager ($2.07)
    ojuara_hsa ($0.85)
    c1ueless ($3.62)
    nekalaxx ($1.97)
    callandurout ($4.95)
    obnslava ($0.81)

    nagart posts (SB) $0.01
    WWW33 posts (BB) $0.02

    Dealt to c1ueless 4s 4d
    fold, fold,
    c1ueless raises to $0.08
    fold, fold, fold, fold,
    WWW33 calls $0.06
    FLOP ($0.17) Ks Qc Qd
    WWW33 checks
    c1ueless bets $0.08
    WWW33 folds
    c1ueless shows 4s 4d

    c1ueless wins $0.17


    Can anyone help me fix this so it works :/


  2. #2
    HM Support Patvs's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Amsterdam, the Netherlands


    For the handhistory convertors, try inputting the original handhistory (in its original formatting),

    Rightclick on a hand and pick Copy Hand To Clipboard.

    Participate in the Beta release of the newest Hold'em Manager version: HM Cloud. Sign-up HERE.

    If you would like to leave some feedback to help us improve the quality of the solutions, and/or the support quality you received, - you can do this here

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Ahhh Ok. What are the buttons for then??

  4. #4
    HM Support Patvs's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Amsterdam, the Netherlands


    2+2, TxT buttons are if you want to post a hand on 2+2 or on another poker forum (PokerNews / HoldemManager folder, etc).

    Leggopoker uses its own unique forum formatting for hands, so you need to input a handhistory in its original formatting into the convertor.
    Participate in the Beta release of the newest Hold'em Manager version: HM Cloud. Sign-up HERE.

    If you would like to leave some feedback to help us improve the quality of the solutions, and/or the support quality you received, - you can do this here

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