Search Results - Holdem Manager Forums


Type: Posts; User: JeffCorreia

Search: Search took 0.03 seconds; generated 22151 minute(s) ago.

  1. Serious bug no hm2 / sng wizard 2 / bug gravíssimo no sng wizard 2


    In English:

    I am having trouble with the SNG wizard, the screen is frozen saying that it is loading, this happens both by opening HM2 and opening the program only, I need urgent help to...
  2. Serious bug no hm2 / sng wizard 2 / bug gravíssimo no sng wizard 2

    In English (traduzido pelo google tradutor):

    I have a problem with the SNG wizard, the screen is frozen saying that it is loading, and I have waited for many hours and it does not leave this...
Results 1 to 2 of 2