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Type: Posts; User: esnar1

Search: Search took 0.01 seconds; generated 70490 minute(s) ago.

  1. Replies

    colors cut when marking players

    Hello good.

    I have a problem when marking players and that is that the last colors on the right are cut out.

    It bothers me a lot because precisely the last color on the right is one of the ones...
  2. Replies

    heatmap doesn't open when I click

    Hello, I am experiencing the problem that when I left click on the preflop heatmaps within the notes, they do not open.

    Is it another button that opens them? Is there something I need to...
  3. On pokerstars and iPoker they work correctly. Not...

    On pokerstars and iPoker they work correctly. Not in Winamax.

    I do have dedicated fX keys on my keyboard.
  4. Hotkeys for marking hands do not work in Winamax

    Hello good!

    I am writing because I am having problems when marking hands with the hotkeys (F9, F8, etc.) in Winamax. Pokerstars and iPoker work perfectly, but in winamax I don't know why it...
Results 1 to 4 of 4