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Type: Posts; User: Naccessu

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  1. Replies

    Fold OOP to Hero's delayed cbet -stat

    Is there stat when opponent fold OOP on Hero's delayed cbet. Can only find the stat when villain's fold IP vs Hero's delayed cbet.
  2. Replies

    How can i add this stat to my Holdem manager 2? I...

    How can i add this stat to my Holdem manager 2? I cant find it anywhere. Do i have to buy NoteCaddy that i can add this stat?
  3. Skip flob cbet, call turn probe bet and call river bet

    Is there stats on this situation? When pfr checks back on the flop, villain bets turn vs missed cbet and pfr calls. Villain bets again river and pfr call/fold.
Results 1 to 3 of 3