Search Results - Holdem Manager Forums


Type: Posts; User: supertacho

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  1. This forum is like year 2000, discord channle when?

    I think a page like hm3 should have a discord channel, the way they deal with their users is a bit old cave man style, I think if they don't update they are just around the corner of being out of...
  2. The dealer buttom is TO big, cant see the bets

    The dealer button is too big, many times we can't see the chips that the adversary put because of this, they can make it smaller or move it outside the table

  3. Can you explain in more detal please, i do not...

    Can you explain in more detal please, i do not follow.

    To be clear, i want the stat count, only if the player open limps on: EP MP CO BTN .

  4. open limp stat doenst exist , really amazing....

    Its like HM3 was for ever on poker, and you really dont have the correct stat for open limp???

    To be clear "complete SB" is NOT open limp.
  5. where can i find the "contact support" link ? ...

    where can i find the "contact support" link ?

  6. I want to finde the stat "open limp" the pure version

    I find the stat open limp, to put on my hud.

    The problem is that when villain is on SB and complete, the stat mark as "open limp" but is not the case.

    Anyway to consider only when villain...
Results 1 to 6 of 6