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Type: Posts; User: dorkdiggler1

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  1. Replies

    If you play one cash table Hud works fine with...

    If you play one cash table Hud works fine with table finder.
    Add another table and the Hud merges.
    There's no option on table finder to separate the huds.
    They constantly switch and are trying to...
  2. Replies

    HUD for PKR/microgaming?

    Playing on pkr cash and the HUD messes up for more than one table?
    has this happened since the merge?
  3. Replies

    It's going a bit crazy... 160754

    It's going a bit crazy... 160754
  4. Replies

    HUD not working on Microgaming

    It was all working fine, then just stopped. Can't figure out why.
    Any other reports of the HUD not working on Microgaming?
  5. Replies

    win rate vs maniacs type note


    Is it possible to make a note which shows hero's win rate vs a player type.
    eg players with vpip >50 pfr >40 ?
  6. Replies

    Could do with a bit of help with this j1nx....

    Could do with a bit of help with this j1nx. totally new to Linux. Do you have an email address?
  7. Attached. Thankyou.

  8. And even though I'm on latest update and have...

    And even though I'm on latest update and have Reset the notes numerous times, I still get a pending task each time a note has been removed and when that same note has been rewritten.
  9. So when I do a definition analysis and look for...

    So when I do a definition analysis and look for players that I know qualify for the badge, it tells me that the difference from the average is either too small or too large.
  10. Issue with Advanced TAB when creating a Badge using $successversusaverage

    Just creating a couple of Badges for how often players fold their cbet to a flop raise.
    I created 2, one to show players who fold to much which went to plan.
    When i try to make the one for the...
  11. Replies

    If i reset notes it writes them badges correctly....

    If i reset notes it writes them badges correctly. Also, sometimes when removing notes now, it doesn;t remove them completely and then starts writing all the notes again creating false numbers.
  12. Replies

    I get a pending task telling me that a task that...

    I get a pending task telling me that a task that has just been completed needs to be taken to task again. Happens with all new notes. I have to keep deleting them from the pending task window. Also,...
  13. First Note Definition I've wrote since updating and I get this error. (see att)

    I clicked on proceed to run the newly created note through my DB and got the attached error.
    Any ideas what it might be?
  14. When you say HH importing, you mean HH importing...

    When you say HH importing, you mean HH importing onto your Hard Drive?
    My HH's are importing onto my HD but not into PKR. No players are showing
    up in Opponents and no hands in reports and no...
  15. pkr HH from today

    here's a HH from today.
  16. I've checked the HH's myself and can't find any...

    I've checked the HH's myself and can't find any difference.
  17. Me too. I've sent an email to support asking if...

    Me too. I've sent an email to support asking if they have changed Hand Histories.
Results 1 to 17 of 17