Want to know this stat is restteal all in only , or in this stat are included 3b non all in ?
Exist any stat to 3b non all in ?
Type: Posts; User: Padrinobta1
Want to know this stat is restteal all in only , or in this stat are included 3b non all in ?
Exist any stat to 3b non all in ?
Hi !
I want to know if in HM3 I can take a note from a hand in the replayer like HM2 .
I didnt see in replayer sapce to take a note is posible I miss somenthing?
Hi I want to know how find this stat.
I want to know how much SB fold a resteal from BB when SB is RFI
I have this way and filter stat by SB but not sure if this wors bc is not...
What is diference between this 2 stats?
Where I can filter a stat to only show after certain amount of hands?
I want to ask is avaible to not need click on stat to show the pop up , only put mouse pointer to show pop up ?
Yes I do I new one and still happen.
Im trying to recreate.
Same for me, after do all this change syou say still askme eevry time pasword and user
I do all you say it and still delayed in some hands , and in some case hands not show to mark hands.
Explain , I try it to after a hand marking but this hands take 12 -20 seconds to show to...
Not sure what happen why when I gone to start HM3 show me this way:
Thanks for answer.
Im use right click in HUD tab , never use live play tbh .
And not sure why hotkeys to markj hands not work for me.
Going to try this new data base and see what happen.
Hi thanks for reply.
- In the first image HUD is from EP and second one is from CO.
Yes Im using this function but this is random when I change to another table not happen always.
I have problems marking hands in games.
Explain I going to mark hand before acting or when I envoled in some hand but after I going to check the hand is not marked and have to marked after...
This happen to me with frequency in WPN after certain time or hands fixed but is akward not see hands after certain time .
I have disbled HUD from hero so is not my HUD...
Great thanks!
Thanks for reply.
My error (I think) is I want to save on other part in my pc (Local disk :D) and after I do this start to show me that way , is saving my hands but incorrect.
Like explain...
You say this way?
Actually works but badly.
Save me my hands but save me one day after , save me my hands on a 29 folder (29 march) but are the hands from yesterday bc Im not play it today yet.
Can be...
Hi !
I know there is a way to only filter to me hands for HU here.
Can you help me to configure this to when Im on HU only show me hands from HU .
Actually have this way
Not sure if is a problem I erase and create my own folder with my own name, is a problem?
Bc this way import but not show me any HUD on HM3 any idea?
I want to know where I can find the option to HM3 save me in folders my HH.
I mean I want to do show this way:
but actually HM3 is saving my HH this way:
What site?
I have the problem when I want to mark hands on WPN not show to mark hands and the hands not show, if there is problem in ACR or with HM3?
Can help me with that?
I do this video for you to you see how Im doing and tell me if Im doing somenthing bad.
**Atach .txt
I feeel...
Yeah still working , but very slow.
No I dont.