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  1. GET IT FREE - Pending link confirmation

    Hi team,

    I registred for this 2 weeks ago but i still have it as pending, why?

    See attached.

  2. Replies

    GET IT FREE vs Titan Welcome Bonus


    Can I have both Titan Poker Welcome bonus active at the same time I have your HM2 GET IT FREE bonus activated?

  3. Titan Poker Welcome Bonus VS HM2 GET IT FREE

    Hi team,

    I have a question, If i sign up for the GET IT FREE bonus on Titan poker will I be available to have the Welcome bonus that Titan poker offers running at the same time? Or Can I only have...
  4. Hi, Its not, I have 32.000 With 5 or 6...


    Its not, I have 32.000 With 5 or 6 players, see new attachedment.161838
  5. Leak buster No-Limit not include all hands

    Hi support team,

    When I run complete analysis of all my hands since 7 november 2016 (when i started) only 7500 hands gets analysed in leakbuster but in HM2 hand history I have 50.000 hands, why?
  6. 888 poker - HUD visble but report do not update


    HM2 HUD in 888 poker do update but reports in HM2 don't (example active session) why?

    in HM2 I use "PRIMA" network, correct?
    I have client in English
    I have mapped CORRECT folder in HM2...
  7. Replies

    HM2 - All hands not shown in "report"


    The Count of hands is correct in both "Active report" and "report" but when I want so sort in time or by type of cards not all hands shown?

    For example I had a hand with AA that i wanted to...
  8. Hm2 count 8000 hands, leakbuster only analyze 3000


    I wonder what is wrong! I only play 5 max cash game (not 6) and have between 1th November - Now, 8000 hands according to HM2.

    However, Leakbuster only analyze 3000 hands even though i...
  9. Cant' find handhistory Betsson (microgamings)


    The HUD do not work ( waiting for hands ) it just saying, I think the auto detect do not find the folder and I cant find it either. I find a couple of "handhistory" folders in Microgamings ->...
  10. The problem is solved, go to Site settings and...

    The problem is solved, go to Site settings and Click away the auto import on Party poker and After the session when you have been Done Playing you Click on the auto import, then After A minute or so...
  11. Thank you A-Game! I have tried it and it all...

    Thank you A-Game! I have tried it and it all works fine!
  12. Party Poker - Fast Forward - HM2 Do not import ALL hands


    When im playing forward poker at party poker it seems that only 1 table (I think! Im not sure...) get imported to HM2 and the HUD is also wierd. I have a mission going on Party poker that...
  13. Replies

    Pott odds Party poker?


    I went to HUD Settings -> Site options but the Party Poker ikon is gray ? I have checked the " Pott odds as % ) But i cant se any pott odds in game.

    Are I looking on the wrong place on the...
Results 1 to 13 of 13