We plan to add the SitNGo Wizard as an HM3 app in the future, but for now you can auto-import tournaments from your HM3 database into your SW3 database. Go to Settings->Auto Import, click the Add...
Type: Posts; User: SitNGo Wizard
We plan to add the SitNGo Wizard as an HM3 app in the future, but for now you can auto-import tournaments from your HM3 database into your SW3 database. Go to Settings->Auto Import, click the Add...
Please try this:
1. Create a new database.
2. Import a single tournament.
If you still see the problem, please send the tournament file to support@sngwiz.com.
Hi, I have sent you an email.
Did you receive my reply to your email?
The user also sent an email to me with the same question. It's more efficient to handle question via email.
I will answer the email you sent to SitNGo Wizard support.
The edge was removed from SW2 since it caused more confusion than it was worth. It is essentially set to zero.
I don't think there is any way to model these with ICM.
I do not understand your question. Can you provide more details or an example?
The Wizard will hand any number of players and any stack size. However, ICM equity can only be used at the final table. Before the final table you need to use chip equity mode.
You can create a custom opponent model using SitNGo Wizard 1. See Custom Opponent Models in the reference section of the help for instructions.
Please send an email to support@sngwiz.com.
Please send an email to support@sngwiz.com.
Please send the hand history file to support@sngwiz.com and I will investigate.
Are you asking about the Status column in hands view or something else?
There are no restrictions on 888 as far as I know, but you cannot review a hand until after it is completed and then imported. Can you describe exactly what the problem is?
Are you running the latest release?
You can add a tournament tag. See:
Tournament Tags
I am not sure what you are asking. Can you provide more details?
Please send an email to support@sngwiz.com.
Hi Gaz,
I am not able to reproduce the problem. Are you running the latest release? Are you changing any other quiz settings?
I am working on a fix.
I am aware of the issue and am working on a fix.
I will try to fix that in the next release.
If it's winner take all you can just use chip equity mode.