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Type: Posts; User: realalexandro

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  1. Replies

    By squeeze here you mean that smb. opens first...

    By squeeze here you mean that smb. opens first from CO\BTN then gets called from BTN or SB and then BB 3Bets them both? So it's also a part of BB Resteal? Than i still can't understand how is it...
  2. Replies

    BB Resteal vs BB 3Bet vs CO\BTN\SB

    Hello HM2 respected team!

    I've got a practical question on BB Resteal Stat.
    I guess it should be calculated somehow as a weighted average of the BB 3bet vs CO, BB 3bet vs BTN and BB 3bet vs SB...
  3. Fold to 3bet stats per positions vs position-based 3bets

    Hi, i am designing popup for my HM2 Hud and i'm interested are there stats for 6-Max
    which show how often in % opponent Folds from specific positions vs 3Bets on specific positions?
    For instance...
Results 1 to 3 of 3