Thank you for your fast reply. I had a problem because somehow my ipoker hh folder (were my hands are stored) was locked (I couldn't *delete it, read it or do anything else)... For that reason ipoker...
Type: Posts; User: JohnTs
Thank you for your fast reply. I had a problem because somehow my ipoker hh folder (were my hands are stored) was locked (I couldn't *delete it, read it or do anything else)... For that reason ipoker...
any news regarding this issue,please?
It works...thank you!!
I use my iPad a lot for playing stars. When I ask my hh (via iPad) I receive an email which I can't import it to HM2 or HM cloud (hands are open and not into one file)... So I need to send an...
Ok..I found te icon
My HUD goes all around... One payer every hand... Any advise please?
Whenever I restart my pc:
- whatever HUD I start first it works (HM2 or cloud)... if i close it and try to start the other one, the 2nd one doesn't show up... It works only the HUD I started...
HM2 and HM cloud don't work together anymore.. Am I the only one??
And now as I had already mentioned HM2 HUD doesn't show up.... It's exactly the problem i have the last 5-10 days... Something is happening (99%) between HM2 HUD and HM clound HUD
I marked "start HUD on Windows startup" and I started running everything again... Now it works..!! I don't know what happened..
If I right click tray icon it always says start.... But is should say stop because it is working (it says table found etc..) I guess it doesn't start that's why HUD doesn't show up..
I did everything but is HUD is not showing anything... something is happenning maybe with HM2... because last week I had the opposite problem.. LIVE play doesnt show anything also.. but folders are...
Mine doesn't work either... It doesn't show up since last weekend...
"For HM2 I recommend the 8.4.17 our setup installer downloads or the latest 9.0.x from If you download and install it manually from you should disable postgres logging....
Cloud website doesn't work at all.. I can't change anything.. Date, name etc... Doesn't work.. cloud analysis (web) doesn't work at all... Ok.. I'm done.. Just tell me a postgress (moste reliable please) that works...
HUD is not working at ZOOM regular tables everything is fine..
I use Microsoft Security Essentials ... Everything was fine but not any more.. I donyt know why... It doesnt matter a lot because Im trying to use CLOUD only..But I need to make a lot of changes to...
Whenever is possile please add: Fold river & River bet stats
can we delete custom HUD`s ...?? I cant find how..
Fold river vs Fold river CB & River bet VS River CB maybe have much value??
i have downloaded it but caddyclock is not there?? any help??
ok..ut shoul i o this every time now..?? it oesnt work again..
an hm clou still cant help 100%..still a lot o MAIN stats are missing (raise lop, turn etc..)
I had the same problem ... HUD was not showing at ZOOM & SPEED regular tables everything was fine.. I followed up ALL priority support`s steps and after STEP 3 (Reinstall PostgreSQL) HUD...
I did it..everything is ok