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Type: Posts; User: kaiserfranz8

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  1. Replies

    are only SRPs considered or also 3bet pots or...

    are only SRPs considered or also 3bet pots or 4bet pots? thank you
  2. bet river after flop check and turn check

    hello, I don't know if this statistic exists, I know there is the "river after flp bet and turn check". If the statistic mentioned in the title is not there, you can bring more statistics together to...
  3. thank you very much!

    thank you very much!
  4. Turn bet as non PFR IP, after flop check check

    Hi, hello, is there a statistic or do you combine several statistics to get information on this situation?
    OOP open (example SB), IP call (example BB); flop goes check, then OOP check and IP bet....
  5. Replies

    i think it's 4 because PFR 20/4BET 5 = 4% range

    i think it's 4 because PFR 20/4BET 5 = 4% range
Results 1 to 5 of 5