Bonjour ,
Comment peut on agrandir la police de caracteres pour l ensemble des données 165100de la pop up ?
Type: Posts; User: nicosellier
Bonjour ,
Comment peut on agrandir la police de caracteres pour l ensemble des données 165100de la pop up ?
I followed your explanation
I wanted to know after copying the logs files to the desktop
where is the file with textual explanations of how all notes and badges have been loaded for each...
je voudrais savoir ou se trouve le fichier journal pour voir la maniere dont toutes les données ont été chargées pour chaque joueur ?
Can you help me please
I have to look where for my problem of badge display in real time
OK very well I have the folder HM2logs.
I have to look at what file to find something?
Did I tick off what was needed? (Dbbcontrol panel, hmapps, live tracking, and report stats)
I have the ability to put 8 threads with my computer.
Does it have to be put on 8 or lower when using note caddy?
Hello I play winamax poker site
NC. version
HM. version
I have a problem with the badges display!
Creating notes ok
Caddy report ok
Badges are updated when?
I always have the problem of displaying badges in real time!
If someone has an idea ?
Badges are updated when?
Ok you have a solutions?
I have a problem with the badges display!
Creating notes ok
Caddy report ok
NC. Top 10 pop up ok
Pop up hud ok
How many badges can be put on the HUD? Maximum
Can I build different notes with the same grouping prefix and the same badge
And put the NC.prefixeBadgeBD in the HUD so that it can display the same badge for different notes in the HUD
And so I...
I do not understand auto rate rules works for winamax and does not work for pokerstars?
Is this normal?
my hud designer :
It is ok to display on the hud a badge PF for several notes that have the same badge PF and the same prefixe badge PF?
I do not understand !
What is a slot?
It is quite possible that a same badge face appeal to several notes that have the same badge and even prefix?
Ex badge: BD for note steal bb category bd...
I wanted to know I have a 250GB ssd and a 250GB M2 (faster)
What is best for holdem manager and note cady?
That windows 7 is on the ssd
And all that is poker programes which HM, NCady is on...
It is weird when I point with the mouse on some badge on the hud: it appears the next pop up with a small square of orange color!
Does that match what?
I changed my hud on adding Nc.ordered badge once
Do I have to add Nc.ordered badge several times?
After I changed prefixes ... but I do not quite understand what you want me to change in...
I have modified the following options:
'Use session stats' is disabled.
The Table HUD Options All Hands
HUD Settings> HUD Filters options under [x].
HUD Settings> HUD Filters> HUD...
JUSTLY I WANTED to know if it was a problem to have this error in the event observer
Knowing that the error occurs every 60 seconds
Is that idle holdem manager among other things
Ok and default it is how much?
Multiple postgres 9.6.2 errors in event viewer
Windows 7 * 64
Hello, what should I do?
I have a lot of errors for postgres that are :
Nom du journal :Application
Source : PostgreSQL...
In mote cady
database settings
I wanted to know if the numbers for cached note timeout (25) and persist notes to database every x hands (2500) were coherent?
Because I do not...
my version is