Hi, I'd like to filter tournaments for MORE THAN ONE Tournament Tag instead for JUST ONE Tournament Tag.
I mean, if i play X, Y, W and Z type of tournaments, i'd like to see reports filtered for...
Type: Posts; User: CuoReNeRo
Hi, I'd like to filter tournaments for MORE THAN ONE Tournament Tag instead for JUST ONE Tournament Tag.
I mean, if i play X, Y, W and Z type of tournaments, i'd like to see reports filtered for...
Can you please add most important stats for BVB only POSTFLOP (like FCbet, Fold to FCbet, WTSD, ecc) too?
Okie, thanks a lot. :)
Err... please don't reply if you just read the last post... read the entire thread before post, thanks. :(
Still missing Call/3bet BB vs Hero SB Steal. There's only BB Call vs SB Hero, but it's only for raised pot (aka there could be some limper), not for sb vs bb dinamic.
Another stat missing...
Yeah, i know. But i don't want disable entire Notecaddy, i want disable only CaddySpark graphs and keep the Notecaddy infos.
This works if you have Notecaddy. But if i have only HEM2, how can i disable CaddySpark graphs? And how i can customize stats i want actually see? I mean, i'm talking about "Notecaddy Top 10".
Bump... some news?
Like the thread state: I'd like to have a "Currently Registered" statistic like in Tableninja 1. Is it already implemented somewhere? Could you please add it?
Thanks in advance,
They never get the max target: i usually start with those settings, and after i remove 10€ 9max and 27man, playing all 20€+ sit which starts. I keep 20 because i want to REGISTER to every sit which...
31 views and no replies from any admin? :(
Hi, i found a new bug about SNG Sensei. I have only "1" max per cycle set in each ones of my filters. When sensei started, it went all good in few firsts 2 minutes. In one of my filters (20€ if i...
I'd like to know what i should insert in my .filter file in order to filter by table (first, second or final for a 27man).
Please also add my mail too. Still no eta for this? :(
You're lucky. :P
Before June it worked for sure.
Any news?
--- EDITED ---
Thanks a lot. ;)
I'll try it tomorrow or when i'll have some spare. Really THANKS for your explanation, i'll let you know if it works.
What about editing the database with some queries? Could you say where are exactly the notes and which tables should be edit?
Could you please add this feature?
Thanks in advance,
Oh thanks :) I just sent the email about Notify. :)
I'd like to resize manually the Tournament Report Tabs... for example, there are many pixels used for positions, when just few pixels could be ok.
I actually can resize tabs, but everytime...
Oh... i had tournament summary disabled... so i haven't a tournament summary. Anyway about that HH i sent you, i just sent some additional info.
Let me know if it's enough. :)
Anyway i sent you already an HH.