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Type: Posts; User: pry4ka

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  1. Replies

    Importing of Playing history audit

    Hello, I have a playing history audit from Pokerstars, with all money transactions made, send to me as a csv file.
    When I choose the file to manually import it into HM3, it is successfully imported...
  2. The new update fixed it and now it is working...

    The new update fixed it and now it is working fine. Thank you :)
  3. I still experience this problem. Is there any new...

    I still experience this problem. Is there any new workaround?
    Thank you
  4. Thank you very much :)

    Thank you very much :)
  5. HUD seat positinioning at new 5 max tables IPoker

    HUD is working fine at 6 max tables, but at these new 5max tables there is a problem - HUD can't read table positions and players. I made a new layout but it still messes positions.
Results 1 to 5 of 5