View Full Version : Stats for PLAYERS-Reports

06-28-2011, 01:50 PM
As all know there are many reports on the Players Tab. The sub-window Result Analysis is great tool to learn average patterns in one or another room. But this sub-window can make analyze only stat that present at least in one reports. In other words, no column with stat (in report) - no analytic.
So, I want make analyze for stats:

BB Fold Vs Steal
Call open
Limp call

But I don't find any report that has the columns with these stats! Did I just miss the needed one? :confused:
Besides, the Stats Definition for Report TAB (http://faq.holdemmanager.com/questions/388/Stats+Definition+for+Report+TAB)
page doesn't correspond to real software (version 1.11.06g). For example, reports like Misc Preflop, Steal, EV Stats present on this page, but doesn't in real:

06-28-2011, 08:30 PM
PLAYERS--> Reports--> Postflop Actions: you can choose from a list of stats here, but these are postflop stats (so will not include steal stats)

It's not possible to run a similar Preflop report, where you get to pick all the stats.

You can run a filter at the Reports tab on yourself, adding these stats.