View Full Version : HM notes importing problem.

05-10-2011, 04:54 PM
Hi, I have problems with importing notes from a player whom I've noted before, and there are some addittional notes which should be updated to the existing note but HM dosen't do anything not even updating, or overwriting it keeps it in its original statement.

Thanks for solving the problem!

05-10-2011, 08:52 PM
Is the new note completely different than the old note?
If the new note has overlapping info with the old note, it won't add that info.
For example:

If the old note was: JJ xxx, AQ allin, overplays all his hands
And the new note is: commits with TT on xxx, allin on any flop with a combo draw.

Combining the two will result in a weird mashup where "xxx" and "allin" will not be added to the new note, because they already existed in that note.

05-31-2011, 09:34 AM
Hi, thank you for your answer!

I suggest that in that way it's totally useless. If I merge databases its essential to know all the old notes and the new ones unless I can't follow the improvement of the players and I am away from the additional information which could have helped me though.

I beg to build that function in it would help a lot the poker community and also it would raise the value of your product.

Thanks for measureing my points,