View Full Version : Couldn't load config\PosPref.txt

02-19-2009, 06:21 PM
Good Afternoon!

I recently upgraded and installed PT3 on my new computer, but then I bought a new dedicated hard drive for postgreSQL. I uninstalled postgreSQL and reinstalled it onto my new hard drive. Then uninstalled HEM and reinstalled it on the new drive as well.

Now everytime I start the auto-importer (and auto-start HUD on import), I get the following error:

Couldn't load config\PosPref.txt

If you continue new panel positions will be written. Do you want to continue?
Yes No

It doesn't matter what I hit, nothing happens....it's not a major deal...cuz I just made a shortcut to my HMHud.exe and just manually start it. Everything works just well after that.

I am hoping that there may be an easy fix?

Below is my HoldemManager.Config

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<setting name="ConnectionString">SERVER=;PORT=5432;UID=postgres;PWD=134800</setting>
<setting name="CurrentDatabase">HoldemManager</setting>
<setting name="CurrentReportFilter">IsTourney,IsTourney,EqualTo,false,False
GameTypeDescription,GameTypeDescription,In,$0.5/1 NL~$0.25/0.5 NL,True
FlopMadeHandValue,FLOP.MadeHandValue,In,60~61~62,F alse
<setting name="CurrentSessionFilter">IsTourney,IsTourney,EqualTo,false,False
GameTypeDescription,GameTypeDescription,In,$0.5/1 NL~$0.25/0.5 NL,True
FlopMadeHandValue,FLOP.MadeHandValue,In,60~61~62,F alse
<setting name="CurrentHandsFilter">IsTourney,IsTourney,EqualTo,false,False
GameTypeDescription,GameTypeDescription,In,$0.5/1 NL~$0.25/0.5 NL,True
FlopMadeHandValue,FLOP.MadeHandValue,In,60~61~62,F alse
<setting name="CurrentGraphsFilter">IsTourney,IsTourney,EqualTo,false,False
GameTypeDescription,GameTypeDescription,In,$0.5/1 NL~$0.25/0.5 NL,True
FlopMadeHandValue,FLOP.MadeHandValue,In,60~61~62,F alse
<setting name="CurrentVsPlayerFilter">IsTourney,IsTourney,EqualTo,false,False
GameTypeDescription,GameTypeDescription,In,$0.5/1 NL~$0.25/0.5 NL,True
FlopMadeHandValue,FLOP.MadeHandValue,In,60~61~62,F alse
<setting name="CurrentPreflopFilter">IsTourney,IsTourney,EqualTo,false,False
GameTypeDescription,GameTypeDescription,In,$0.5/1 NL~$0.25/0.5 NL,True
FlopMadeHandValue,FLOP.MadeHandValue,In,60~61~62,F alse
<setting name="CurrentPlayerID">5</setting>
<setting name="DateRangeReport">ThisMonth</setting>
<setting name="DateRangeHands">ThisMonth</setting>
<setting name="DateRangeGraphs">ThisMonth</setting>
<setting name="DateRangePreflop">ThisMonth</setting>
<setting name="DateRangeSession">ThisMonth</setting>
<setting name="DateRangevsPlayer">ThisMonth</setting>
<setting name="LastReport"></setting>
<setting name="AutoImportFolderList">E:\Hand Histories\crzytimes,True,True,E:\HMarchive
<setting name="LastArchiveFolder">E:\HMarchive</setting>
<setting name="LastImportFolder">C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\</setting>
<setting name="LastImportFileFolder"></setting>
<setting name="MinimizeToSystemTray">False</setting>
<setting name="PlayerNumberFilter">2:2,10
<setting name="InsertStandardizedHandHistory">False</setting>
<setting name="ObservedHandHistorySettings">ALL,3,False,True,6,False,True,3,600,False,True,6,6 00,False,True</setting>
<setting name="AutoApplyFilterChangesToAllTabs">True</setting>
<setting name="AutoImportHelpShown">False</setting>
<setting name="AutoImportTimerDuration">5</setting>
<setting name="HUDDateFilter">2</setting>
<setting name="SessionTimeoutDuration">30</setting>
<setting name="HUDIncludeOtherLimits">False</setting>
<setting name="LaunchHUDWithAutoImport">True</setting>
<setting name="DisableHUDStatsWhenNoHero">True</setting>
<setting name="HeroPlayerIDs">5,7354</setting>
<setting name="MinHandsFilter">25</setting>
<setting name="GraphShowdownWinnings">False,Blue,1,Solid</setting>
<setting name="GraphWinnings">True,DarkGreen,2,Solid</setting>
<setting name="UseGraphicalCards">True</setting>
<setting name="GraphAllInEv">True,DarkGreen,1,Dash</setting>
<setting name="GraphNonShowdownWinnings">False,Red,1,Solid</setting>
<setting name="GraphRakeback">False,DarkBlue,1,Solid</setting>
<setting name="AutoRefreshCurrentTabDuration">0</setting>
<setting name="AutoCloseTableManager">True</setting>
<setting name="AutoRefreshReportsOnChange">True</setting>
<setting name="LogDatabaseCommands">False</setting>
<setting name="SolidGraph">False</setting>
<setting name="ShowWinningRowColors">True</setting>
<setting name="CheckForUpdates">True</setting>
<setting name="PlayerSummaryView">Cash,NL|PL|LIM,$0.25/0.5 NL|$0.25/0.5 PL|$0.1/0.25 PL|$0.05/0.1 PL|$0.5/1 LIM|$0.05/0.1 LIM|$0.02/0.04 LIM,2,10,01/01/2000,01/01/2020,50,30,100,False,Default Stats</setting>
<setting name="HoldemManagerPosition">Minimized,-1533,1,1242,732</setting>
<setting name="OngameDBDelay">15</setting>
<setting name="HandsSectionFields">HandTimeStamp,StakesBlinds,HoleCards,PreflopPlayer Action,FlopCards,FlopPlayerAction,TurnCard,TurnPla yerAction,RiverCard,RiverPlayerAction,NetAmountWon ,NetBBsWon,EVDifference,PositionType,PreflopAction Faced,PreflopVPIPPFR,AllInStreet,EVEquity,WinnerNa me,WinnerCards,WinnerWon</setting>
<setting name="ReplayerSettings">3,True,True,True,True</setting>
<setting name="ReplayerSkinToUse">Default Skin</setting>
<setting name="MyDayStartsAt">3:00:00</setting>
<setting name="DailyCompiledStats">True</setting>
<setting name="PromptsShown">WinnerDetailsInHands,</setting>

02-19-2009, 09:20 PM
This is a known issue were still working on but finding it difficult to find a solution as it only seems to happen to some people and not others. We made some improvements in newer versions so it happens less so try updating if youve an older version http://www.holdemmanager.com/downloads/Hm1.08Beta.exe

02-20-2009, 12:20 AM
I downloaded the beta, but the problem still exists. It's not a major issue as I can still run my hud and the importer works... I just need to start the HUD manually.

I'll keep my eye out for a fix!

02-20-2009, 04:32 AM
Having same problem, but I cant get my hud to work at all.

02-20-2009, 08:01 AM
have you tried manually launching your hud?

Go into your

C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager

and double click


after you have started your auto importer and clicked yes/no on the error.

I created a shortcut to my desktop.

02-20-2009, 01:16 PM
Thanks, manually starting the hud worked fine.

02-20-2009, 01:19 PM
No problem...it's a minor inconvenience I know :) HEM is still far better than PT3...I have both.

07-25-2009, 08:49 PM
I'm getting the same error message, but manually starting hmhud.exe gives the same error message and then closes (when I click No). I'm running version 1.09b19.

The HUD and Table Manager stopped updating in the middle of a set although the importing was still working correctly. I tried to restart HUD and that's when I got the error the first time.

Any ideas?

UPDATE: Evidently my pospref.txt file got stepped on and was completely empty (a zero length file) so I copied the pospref.bak to pospref.txt and all is working now.

07-25-2009, 09:01 PM
TY for the update details.

07-27-2009, 02:49 PM
I'm getting the same error message, but manually starting hmhud.exe gives the same error message and then closes (when I click No). I'm running version 1.09b19.

The HUD and Table Manager stopped updating in the middle of a set although the importing was still working correctly. I tried to restart HUD and that's when I got the error the first time.

Any ideas?

UPDATE: Evidently my pospref.txt file got stepped on and was completely empty (a zero length file) so I copied the pospref.bak to pospref.txt and all is working now.

ok so where are these files at exactly. like the file path...how do i get to these files.

im having the same problem.

i found pospref.txt and pospref2.txt but im not seeing the other file that you mention.

lol this is rediculous........