View Full Version : HEM starting missing hands (imported but not showing)

04-30-2011, 04:44 AM
i searched and read the fourm, sorry must ask this question again.

i'm using HEM for over one year, i believe this kind of problem has never happened before.
yesterday i found 101 out of 1034 hands i played are not shown in HEM(1.11.06b)(definitively no filter). i tried to import these hands again. it shows 0 imported, 1034 duplicated, and then HEM shows the same 993 hands like before.

i created a new DB, imported these hands. everythings works properly, no problems at all, i (also tried to import them into PT3, 1034 hands shown there). then i purged these hands in the new DB, they dispeared under "reports", i imported them into the new DB again, they appreaed again.

back into the old DB, i pureged the hands i played yesterday, reimported them, now the reports shows nothing more. tried to reimported these hands in different ways, but it always shows "0 imported, 1034 dupliciated".

after all these i upgraded HEM to 1.11.06d and tried things above again, but nothing changed.

i played a few short sessions today. again some hands are missing, and for the first time(i believe), one of new hands was shown twice. very strange.

i compared it carefully and can say, this problem exists only since yesterday. but i didn't change anything recently. yeah the time format is in european style, but it was/is so from the begining.

i have not made a complete reindex due to the big DB.

is there any way to solve this problem without reimproting all the hands into a new DB? hope you guys can help, many thanks!

04-30-2011, 06:40 AM
Please try a vacuum/full and a reindex of your old db via pgadminIII.

If that doesn't help you need to create a new database.
And please run regular database backups in the future.

04-30-2011, 08:54 AM
thanks for the answer! i just did a reindex via pgadminIII, nothing changed, then imported again, nothing. i will do a vacuum/full plus reindex later and report.