View Full Version : Session reports on non-compatible networks

03-28-2011, 10:11 AM
Is there anyway for HEM to somehow still record my winnings/loses on non-compatible networks, or do I have to do it manually?

03-28-2011, 10:45 PM
It's not possible...
...unless you find a way to convert the handhistories of the unsupported site to a formatting HoldemManager recognizes.

For example. You don't play on PokerStars.
You play on unsupported site "xxx".
If you can convert the xxx handhistories to the PokerStars formatting, you can track your winnings of xxx.

On which unsupported site do you play?
Can you email us a handhistory to support@holdemmanager.com
We won't create the convertors ourselves (I just want a handhistory to see how easy it would be to actually SUPPORT importing of those hands)... but you should be able to find many such convertors on sites like 2+2. (or create one yourself)

03-28-2011, 10:54 PM
I don't play at these sites atm, was planning on bonus whoring and wanted to know if it's possible

If I could convert it to a pokerstars HH than surely there'd be a fairly easy way of doing this, no? Some sort of script would work I'd imagine

03-28-2011, 11:03 PM
Yes... and lots of such scripts are around 2+2.

But ideally, you'd just have HoldemManager being able to import the hands.
Even if HoldemManager is unable to detect the tables to display a HUD (or we won't attempt to fix that because the site is too small), we're still interested in the handhistories.

Some small sites use a universal handhistory formatting, we could easily support.

03-28-2011, 11:12 PM
ok, will send you some HH when I start playing at these sites