View Full Version : Optimizing....

03-22-2011, 05:00 PM

When I opened my HM today it started with "optimizin players..." or something like that. When I looked at the nicknames (about 15 of them) I realized they were mine at different sites I play or used to play. But for some reason 3 names was def not mine. Since this was on my PC I am certain that noone else have played from it.

Can anyone answer me about why these names was in my list for optimizing?

Kind regards,

03-22-2011, 11:28 PM
It will optimize all hero's.
So these three unknown nicknames... at some point you must have imported a handhistory where it stated in the handhistory what their holecards are.

From importing a friends hand... or a handhistory you downloaded.. or importing an old folder that did contain some .txt files that contained some hands you didn't play.