View Full Version : HUD for hero?

01-07-2020, 06:18 PM
Hi, I wanted to check my own stats in my HUD and I'm unable to find the option to turn that on, is it even possible?

01-08-2020, 01:25 AM
HM is designed to only show your session stats at that table as we felt it was a lot more useful for a couple of reasons:
1) A lot of people will have a huge amount of stats on themselves so it avoids performance issues having to crunch numbers to show these for yourself
2) A lot of regulars are very aware of their own stats and when you have a lot of stats accumulated it would take a huge swing to for the stat values to change with bigger samples
3) It's much more beneficial to see your session stats to get an idea of how aggressive or passive people will see you since you sat at that table. (again even if its against a reg you'll know yourself your overall image or at least you should)
4) You can easily check your overall stats in the reports section to remind yourself of any stats but again most people know their stats pretty well.

You can turn on the stats for hero in the Profile Editor Group Properties. It is just below the Assign Popups.