View Full Version : Agg% in specific pot types

09-05-2014, 04:49 AM
I know HM has a hardcoded Agg% stat, but I want to make custom agg% stats.
How would I go about doing this?

I think I need:
-HM's definition (forumula), to make sure: (bet/raise/reraise on the flop counts for 4/4 aggressive opportunities? instead of 1/1 for agg on that street so that c/r also counts as one)
-A way to count multiple kinds of missed opportunities, if the definition is the former.

Thank you.

09-05-2014, 06:44 AM
Aggression percentage is a very complicated stat as it has to factor so many things. For NoteCaddy I am quite sure you'd need a Composite Definitions - Assaultware Wiki (http://wiki.assaultware.com/Composite-Definitions.ashx)

I am not familiar with HEM's exact method of calculating aggression percentage though. I will move this thread to their general support section so they may advise.

09-05-2014, 07:10 AM
Hi ZhengHe,

In HM2, aggression% only has 1 opportunity per street. Bet>Reraise>Reraise or Check>Raise both count as single opportunity for Flop Agg %(1/1).

You can find explanation and more examples here:

09-05-2014, 08:49 PM
First be sure you want to see Agg% and not AF, for your conditioned pots, whatever conditions are. Then you need to choose, whould you like to count folds as missed opportunities or not, because that will affect resulted numbers a lot. If you plan to compare your conditioned Agg% stats to overall HM2 stats, then most likely you don't want folds to be counted. And only after that start making the definitions itself.