View Full Version : pots against non rega

08-28-2014, 10:08 AM
Is it possible in hem, with or without notecaddy, to filter pots hero played against non rwgular type of players. So we make rules, what is reg, vpip below 26, pfr above 16 and we filter only pots that we played against fish?

08-28-2014, 11:15 PM
This isn't possible.

But... you can sort of do it manually.
Create an alias: add the top 20 fishes to the alias.
Create another alias: add the top 20 regulars to that alias.

Then in Reports, use a vsPlayer report on the alias.

08-29-2014, 05:52 AM
I made an alias, entered about 20 players and it has 200k hands. In filters I added vs player (alias name) and I always get zero hands.

When I select any other player it is fine, but when I select alias it can't find any hands. Why is that?

08-29-2014, 10:07 AM
One more thing...vs player report in "more reports" is not working properly I guess or I am not understanding it really.

vs 1 player it says that I am losing 20$, and when I checked hands, there was one hand where villain won 6$ and i was in the sb and folded. So I lost only 0.02c in that hand, but program counted as villain won 6$ against me which is kind of strange.

08-29-2014, 08:27 PM
I made an alias, entered about 20 players and it has 200k hands. In filters I added vs player (alias name) and I always get zero hands.

When I select any other player it is fine, but when I select alias it can't find any hands. Why is that?

Select the alias as the current player.
Then in Reports, you see all stats on this combined group of players.