View Full Version : Color coding for Tot limp

08-26-2014, 06:23 AM
What ranges would you put in for ToT limp stat?
Please help me Im trying to add more stats into my HUD.

08-26-2014, 08:03 AM
What ranges would you put in for ToT limp stat?Please help me Im trying to add more stats into my HUD. I don't find TOT Limp stat very useful - it doesn't supply a context as to why & when the player is limping - for example are they the sort of player who likes to see a lot of cheap flops from the blinds when priced in or are they Open Limping/Min-Betting from EP a lot with good hands to trap? So if you are multi-tabling with no time to think it can be a bit expensive to make a rapid decision based on TOT Limp.

Using Limp Fold or Limp Re-raise as stats [& Min Bet] will make your decisions a lot easier in my opinion. I would say colour code...

Middle 1/3 of the % scale in your default font colour [I use a light grey for average values to reduce their eye impact in the HUD]
High Limp Fold or low Limp Re-raise are "exploitable" [I use a bright blue for exploitable passivity]
Low Limp Fold or High Limp Re-raise are "watch your step" [I use bright yellow]

Note on colours:- 2 colours and grey are enough with perhaps a further colour for lunatic whale high values of PFR or VPIP
I avoid red because it's difficult [for me] to read a small red font - blue & yellow are better [for me] for readability. I wonder if that's true for everyone or am I touch colour blind to red? :)

08-26-2014, 10:02 AM
I don't find TOT Limp stat very useful - it doesn't supply a context as to why & when the player is limping - for example are they the sort of player who likes to see a lot of cheap flops from the blinds when priced in or are they Open Limping/Min-Betting from EP a lot with good hands to trap? So if you are multi-tabling with no time to think it can be a bit expensive to make a rapid decision based on TOT Limp.

Using Limp Fold or Limp Re-raise as stats [& Min Bet] will make your decisions a lot easier in my opinion. I would say colour code...

Middle 1/3 of the % scale in your default font colour [I use a light grey for average values to reduce their eye impact in the HUD]
High Limp Fold or low Limp Re-raise are "exploitable" [I use a bright blue for exploitable passivity]
Low Limp Fold or High Limp Re-raise are "watch your step" [I use bright yellow]

Note on colours:- 2 colours and grey are enough with perhaps a further colour for lunatic whale high values of PFR or VPIP
I avoid red because it's difficult [for me] to read a small red font - blue & yellow are better [for me] for readability. I wonder if that's true for everyone or am I touch colour blind to red? :)

Hi, Loki

thanks for your answers,

I will add Limp fold stat into my hud, but I dont understand when you say [ min bet]?
Im now using Line1 - Name /Hands/ BB /Tot vpip/ Tot PFR
Line2- Tot steal/Postflop AGF.
Im making a new hud now which looks like below
Line 1- Name/Hands/Big blinds/Tot Vpip/Tot PFR
Line 2- Flop c bet/ Flop Fold to c bet/Tot 3 bet / Tot Fold to 3 bet
Line 3 -Tot steal/ Fold to steal/Sb fold to steal/ BB fold to steal.
Line 4 - Post flop Af/ W$SD / WonSd%/Limp fold/Limp reraise
What other stats do you suggest for my fourth line including Limp fold, Limp re raise?
What exact ranges should I be typing in for color coding the stats? I'm having trouble figuring this out for quite some time.
I will be 3~6 tabling 9 player Single table sng since I cannot beat 180player mtt sng untill I can interpret the above stats.


08-26-2014, 11:08 AM
...[1] min bet?... [2] What other stats do you suggest for my fourth line including Limp fold, Limp re raise? [...] [3] exact ranges...for color coding the stats? [4] 3~6 tabling 9 player Single table sng...
[1] I mean Min Raise as per this thread from the old HM1 days:- http://forums.holdemmanager.com/general-support/335192-min-raise-stats.html patvs also discusses some other interesting stuff in that thread. I believe min raises are quite the thing in tourney style play, but as a cash player I despise min raises :) The min raise in cash can mean so many different things, but often it just signifies "bad player" so I like to have a min raise stat displayed.

[2] I'm a cash player & IMO you have quite enough stats. And they are good choices too from a cash play perspective. I assume they are reasonable choices for sng if you use them with correct HUD filters, but I haven't played sng for three years so I'm not your best man for advice on this.

[3] Don't sweat this too much especially as it is sng where ranges change throughout! You can waste a lot of time tweaking a colour boundary & changing it from 70% to 66% or something. The colour codes will not be right for all players all of the time. I follow patvs's advice on this & make a broad middle spectrum neutral colour in the middle 1/3 [I think he uses 40% to 70% as his middle neutral range]. The object of the colours is for most of the stats, most of the time for most of the players to be neutral white or grey with anything really unusual popping out at you in colour. It's all a bit fuzzy! And you are wasting time worrying about colour ranges when you need to consider something more important if you're a sng player:-

[4] Setting up HUD Filters for different stages of sng play based on number of players & BB etc. Obviously your HUD colour ranges become meaningless when the bubble approaches & you should be noticing how players change their styles & what ranges they use under those circumstances. If you want to lose some sleep thinking about the ideal sng HUD then do it thinking about the filters situation. :)

The most important HUD "stat" after VPIP & PFR is player notes
If you play too many sng tables at once you lose loads of value if you don't have time to take notes
Probably a lot of sng multi-tablers would disagree with me though...

08-26-2014, 12:13 PM
[4] Setting up HUD Filters for different stages of sng play based on number of players & BB etc. Obviously your HUD colour ranges become meaningless...

Number Players:- http://hm2faq.holdemmanager.com/questions/981/HUD+Settings+%7B47%7D+HUD+Filters

BB stack size:- http://hm2faq.holdemmanager.com/questions/371/HUD+Settings+%7B47%7D+Tournament+Filters

08-26-2014, 12:14 PM
Edited because double post. Ignore this one obv.